

14 Apr 2020

4/14/2020 16:00 – Facebook Post

2:57 p.m Helmet Knight in Shinning Armour K I.A S. Aluminum Silver. And besides it, there is a torch with the letters visible I.K.I I K are my initials and was my Bio Fathers name. 3:00 p.m I would not have noticed this, if not for yesterday as it rained, I took shelter there and listened to Alien Father Alpha sing of his Eternal Love for .. I knew and recognized it as 4-13 D M Dark Matter M.D Manifest […]

12 Apr 2020

4/12/2020 21:31 – Facebook Post

Pendulum Waves… Amazing! Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

11 Apr 2020

4/11/2020 19:51 – Facebook Post

I was not going to code this, I already saw it but Liberty just sent it to me. Its 6:57 p.m 6:58 p.m Yes Enders Game to EH Leaving with my Brother And All E Family Here is the code of the Story Old Testament. O T. 1520. Facebook Friends 35 C.E New Testament.. Nikolai Tesla 14 20 / 2014 34. Liberty sent it to me at 6:34 p.m This is the story of the past still moving through this […]

10 Apr 2020

4/10/2020 17:12 – Facebook Post

?? ~Sebille ~ Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 Apr 2020

4/10/2020 3:18 – Facebook Post

Living resurrection is the greatest spiritual journey a person can hope to experience in their lifetime. -Plato Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 Apr 2020

4/10/2020 1:55 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Apr 2020

4/7/2020 12:53 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Apr 2020

4/7/2020 9:18 – Facebook Post

TOTALLY IN CONTROL….HAVE NO FEAR ??? Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

05 Apr 2020

4/5/2020 20:16 – Facebook Post

Intel via Liberty C Liscomb 29 Palms. 8:16 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

05 Apr 2020

4/5/2020 19:21 – Facebook Post

From Facebook Memories Today Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here