

23 Apr 2020

4/23/2020 19:21 – Facebook Post

A.G From Liberty C Liscomb Look at the Harnony E inside activated in Liberty The date here is 5-21-2016. Its spells E U. T.P. E B A T P. Arden Gemino A G Alexander Grove A G 1-7. E Understanding Amazing Grace. C I once was Blind and now, I Cee. I See. Cecilia means ” Blind” Caecilia means 6.. I Cee See with 6th Sense Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Apr 2020

4/21/2020 22:25 – Facebook Post

Merlin Magic? Ah Dark Magic Move Dark Matter Energy to your will. And onto the stage. 10:23 p.m World stage 96% +4-5 % 100% 10 10. 101% 11 2 1 10:24 p.m J. E.M.F.. Now that is the true meaning of the Infinity sign atop the Tarot Card for The Magician. And the Sacred Portal 121. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Apr 2020

4/20/2020 16:26 – Facebook Post

From Liberty C Liscomb Area 51 Nevada. ” Silver State ” 51 E.A. 51st State. Q A Non. Looking Glass L.G. 12 7. 19 84. 103. A F C. 13. 1O3. 163 19. TEN I have been coding this for years. Its Energetic Source. 5 in 1. 5 1 Family of 5 and 1 E A. Fact. S.P 11O.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Apr 2020

4/20/2020 12:47 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Apr 2020

4/20/2020 11:36 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 86. 1/3 It was a play of the Trinity versus The 1. Who brought whom into Existence Creation. The Trinity or the One. The 1 is the 3 and the 3 is also the One. 86 and 68. That was the recent play as to what who brought light of Existence Expressiin Awareness Expression Clarity. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Apr 2020

4/20/2020 10:47 – Facebook Post

Via Liberty C Liscomb Brooke Lee Lemery Essential Harmony E H 10:47 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

19 Apr 2020

4/19/2020 16:35 – Facebook Post

From Facebook Memories Today Sacred Portal 5.00 Time 4:35 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Apr 2020

4/18/2020 22:04 – Facebook Post

From Tree Sage The Script. Me too… I am beginning to see and hear the name Arden everyehere.. 4 times the last month. Most where girls.. This one is more aligned to actuality. Because he is a Guy And a warrior Espirit of Youth Beautiful Expression Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Apr 2020

4/18/2020 20:30 – Facebook Post

From Susanta Nayak 8:29 p.m 8-29-2019. Time Date Space of 7 months Proven Harnony E And Consciousness Eternity is U.S E. Existence Modus Operandi. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Apr 2020

4/18/2020 16:03 – Facebook Post

From Matthew Christopher Slater M.C S A Child can read this. A Rainbow and Lightening and Thunder. What does each represent. 7 Colors. Electric Charge. 4:03;p.m 43. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here