

13 Jun 2020

6/13/2020 19:16 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 50. “Let Rage Arise for Justice.. ZE Bull ion.. Holy Griffins.. Emeka Tom The Raging Bull.. E T. E G O OGE “Bule” Boil Bullion Bull L ION More War? I am War! 7:14 p.m G N / N G… 147 Seth Goldfarb River Phoenix… The Joker Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

11 Jun 2020

6/11/2020 18:48 – Facebook Post

Yes, even the White Flowers I gifted to Aurelia bought by Liberty C Liscomb on the 27th on her hearing of my Mothers crossing over Death. The Cup.. from Esteban Miguel Filgueira The Personal Computer H.P bought by Donna O Sullivan and Jonn Delguidce Blackwell at 18 Mountan View in 2016. 200 usd The Colors, all tell a Story of E 6:48 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Jun 2020

6/7/2020 14:20 – Facebook Post

From Facebook Memories Today 48. Sacred Portal 48 Beautiful Death as Transformation B 13 0 67 050 J B J. 13 M. 67. 050 2:20 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Jun 2020

6/3/2020 13:31 – Facebook Post

Hail Mary Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 Jun 2020

6/2/2020 21:44 – Facebook Post

From Micheal Trahe ROAD. Over the Rainbow 9:44 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 Jun 2020

6/2/2020 21:33 – Facebook Post

9:29 p.m Intel from Liberty C Liscomb See the time code 9:19 p.m I S. I S. We had just discussed that code. 9 19= 28. MAN. And that code too. 10. J. Justice. Judgment Day. 1 O Alpha Omega. A F. A Fact. 1 6. 7 Crowned. End time of this post 3:49 p.m See Sacred Portal 49 See code 349 C D. I. DI in OINri Igbo means ” IS” Husband Present. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

01 Jun 2020

6/1/2020 19:01 – Facebook Post

From Liberty C Liscomb Arden and Jeron. 7:00..7:01 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

01 Jun 2020

6/1/2020 13:03 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

30 May 2020

5/30/2020 14:17 – Facebook Post

2:16 p.m B P Beautiful Pride Black Panther 2:17 p.m right now Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

29 May 2020

5/29/2020 21:27 – Facebook Post

At 14 87 Facebook Friends. See Sacred Portal 14 and 87 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here