

14 Apr 2022

Facebook Post..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

14 Apr 2022

2:57 p.m – Helmet – Knight in Shi

2:57 p.m Helmet Knight in Shinning Armour K I.A S. Aluminum Silver. And besides it, there is a torch with the letters visible I.K.I I K are my initials and was my Bio Fathers name. 3:00 p.m I would not have noticed this, if not for yesterday as it rained, I took shelter there and listened to Alien Father Alpha sing of his Eternal Love for .. I knew and recognized it as 4-13 D M Dark Matter M.D Manifest […]

14 Apr 2022

7:29 p.m – It’s has never been

7:29 p.m It’s has never been about Power. Money P.M. Z. Project Manager. To have the power to give and take away. Nor about Twisting and Changing The Words written in True Diamind Clarity, and making it. Them means what you want them to mean, and using Deception Hypocrisy Hypnosis Gossip to make them mean what you want them to mean to expand your Ego and value and Worth. That is not True Clarity Sacred Portal 20. Nor is it […]

14 Apr 2022

Now take a look at all that is

Now take a look at all that is Black. The “Benne Botanical Red Maeng Da And Red Bali…in Black came from Jae Sherman As well as the Black Soap on which the Tatoo Goo rests on is From Jae Sherman The Black Square Waves Flat Box as well as the Black Diamind with the E painted on the Gemino Lang & Liscomb The Black From Liberty C See the Black but Silver M.J. Judi Maryjane Leaf The Fused Flora.. Green […]

14 Apr 2022

The Keys at last. – Florida Key

The Keys at last. Florida Keys. Kim Arthur Hinds Jr Liberty C Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Apr 2022

10:11 p.m. – For your Imaginati

10:11 p.m. For your Imagination. And what it made seen real but not a fact What my body feels like is as if my Insides and inside out…inversed…instead of ” In Verse..Song…Like William Shakespeare’s Verses Sonnets. Giving me body the Feeling and Sensation allowed to go unimaginably too far, to create the literal intended non stop sensation of having been swallowed alive by a Giant Universal Cosmic Boa Constrictor which is squeezing from whin seeking to do everything to take […]

13 Apr 2022

Meaning of the name Peresi Sto

Meaning of the name Peresi Stone Genesis;38:29. ” To Beeach, To Burst Forth. T.B. T.B F. = 22 V. 28. B.H. B.I. 8:11 p.m H K. H A. H A-A H.B. 8;12 pm / 12 8. NNAMDI ” Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Apr 2022

Microwave Oven – Pierre David –

Microwave Oven Pierre David Peresi Stone * P.S = 16 +19= 35. 8. × 15. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Apr 2022

2;14 pm – B N. – B A.D. – Gwen Kin

2;14 pm B N. B A.D. Gwen King G.K. 7 11. Gemino Knox. 5000 Facebook Friends Twice Today as the 12- 13th. A Scene played out here with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr as Royal Mayan Rodriguez Santana, Reign Maximus Rodriguez Sananta… Majestic Rivas and Ritz -Maritza Montess and Minerva her mother all speaking and channeling through him and the Computer T.V. Euphoria. And yes my own sister aligned to Liberty C and Jeron Azure. You do recall that Thonas Lang […]

13 Apr 2022

12:01. – 12:02 a.m – At 4999 Fac

12:01. 12:02 a.m At 4999 Facebook Friends What..? You don’t want me to leave … Facebook? 5000 as Evolution has already been attained. Nidia Viola Virgina Nidia So this play of 4999 Facebook Friends to 4997 and back to 49 99 Sacred Portal 49. And 99 is simply the End Conclusion of EXTINCTION 133. Already acted out from the Kitchen Window K.W. Kim Arthur Hinds Jr was present at the Encore. He was watching Euphoria Season 2.Being. The Correct Version […]