

22 Jun 2020

6/22/2020 17:54 – Facebook Post

From rajiat alghufran This is the same image of a kitten which Aurelia Gemino drew on the Cup which Liberty C Liscomb had Ferrill, Arden, Aurelia, leander and Jeron created for me as a pottery gift. She drew a kitten on the outside base of the Cup. I knew what it meant. Here is the meaning of this name as my 14 81 Facebook Friend =95 I E… And 14… yes she is 14 and 14 is N Today the […]

21 Jun 2020

6/21/2020 22:43 – Facebook Post

From Michaël Trahé M T Manifest 20th state 13 20… 33 The Body is the Echo of Being and it rises in one when the particle and Wave, Awakened and Dreamer merge in one. D A- A D.. 33= 3/3= 1 A 33 6 Is F. A F…KG It rises via sixth sense once its Solid Fact is Proven through the Age and a story of matter aligned to Feeling Sensational its origins and linked to 25 Y Y 1 […]

21 Jun 2020

6/21/2020 19:51 – Facebook Post

Fathers Day. F D 6 4. F AT. H E. R.S. / 900 South Road D. A. Y. 17:42.p.m 5: 42 pm Please see my Facebook Memories Today I shared. It is about 42. What is The Meaning of Existence Its a story. Program by D A. Douglas Adams. DA. V I D. E David Arden V V I D E. Yes represented and rising in Arden 42 is D B Define Beauty. Which Arden did, witnessed by the play […]

19 Jun 2020

6/19/2020 19:16 – Facebook Post

7:11 p.m 7:12 p.m right now A O D H. Aodh/ H D O A…H F I R E… / E R. I. F 69. 18 5. 69. 23. W. E R. 96. R O F. / R O.F. Reily O Ferrill 7:15 p.m G O G A. ..E. 17 85 71. 4 29 A F K G. 7:16 p.m G P. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

19 Jun 2020

6/19/2020 15:08 – Facebook Post

“You can lead a horse to Water But you can not force it to drink.” Thus, there is only so much which could have been done by Beauty’s Awareness as Nature and Naturalness Origins to alert you. And my Brothers Twins, did everything, even using tools of Evil to move me, occupy my Body and Being.. and even my Awareness To get me to do everything to alert you, prove to you, give you tools, evidence facts to alert you, […]

17 Jun 2020

6/17/2020 22:21 – Facebook Post

8:17 p.m H.Q. 6:17 p.m F.Q Harmony = Quantum Harmony Infinity Quantum. Head Quarters. Intelligence A.I Alpha Intelligence Facts = Quantum F A – C T S F. A-C. Tree Sage Q. D.A D Dark Matter Energy Blacks Lives Matter? B L M / M L B Correct E.Q. LB Brown. Eric Lile Brown L B ..M Black Light Matter. Dark Matter Energy is Matter. See the play with Kim Arthur Hines K A H And John Mack at Jesse […]

16 Jun 2020

6/16/2020 13:17 – Facebook Post

1:17 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Jun 2020

6/16/2020 13:13 – Facebook Post

1:13 p.m From Facebook Memories Today Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

15 Jun 2020

6/15/2020 18:52 – Facebook Post

5:11 p.m E K Emeka Kolo. Elf King A E K. 6-15-2020. F O TT F A E. TT Ferrill Arden Emeka 20 20 Vision. Hello After Anne Esmerel Magdalene McHugh and then Matthew Christopher Slater ( F O X) Adding to Arden -Eneka Supreme Beauty. S B. S 19 is also 16 69.. “Voice Nature ” Game 16 is P Perfection Beauty. And then Liberty C Liscomb sharing the post my writing about Beauty Dated 6-9-2012 .. 8 years […]

14 Jun 2020

6/14/2020 0:43 – Facebook Post

12: 24 a.m A F. Complete.. Link The Joker. Joaquin Phoenix River Phoenix . “Rescue with Love and Peace will Follow.” River Phoenix age 17. Update. Arden for the first tine ever, knocked on my door, I opened it and he said that he had left some cheesecake for me upstairs. New York Cheese Cake.. From his friend Fred. I hugged him, I doubt he knew why. He said he left some for his mother too. I shrugged inside, indifferent, […]