

29 Jun 2020

6/29/2020 15:53 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 92…. Eye of B2… The Fountain Head The Diamond Head… The Day his Heart Bled red Red Roses The Truth of the Perfume of Existence through the most terrible test and Play of Laymen Beautiful Sadness and Beautiful Joy.. Enjoy Liberty Ecstasy Bliss of Existence E… This aligns to the very Date… 29… Brenda’s Birthday and the code which Linked Nenad M. Djurdjevic Bergamo Italy…. B.I.. To Professor Lota George Odabi… And to Chandra who just came in… […]

28 Jun 2020

6/28/2020 20:39 – Facebook Post

From Tree Sage & Gabriel Binky Signar T G S S Kim Arthur Hines K G. A B H.S. A F. K G. A. B H. S 20:33 p.m 8:33 p.m 🙂 10 12 Zeros. Trillion Trilium J -T J 000 000 000 000 A F 000 000 000 000. I am owed a great D E B T. / T B E D. I am calling in my I O U A E. I O U. And always Y. […]

28 Jun 2020

6/28/2020 19:44 – Facebook Post

Peter Tosh. PT T P. 2016. Orange Lit The Fire… 19:43 hrs. 7:43 p.m Sacred Portal 43. 19:44 p.m 7:44 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Jun 2020

6/28/2020 19:41 – Facebook Post

Pink Panther… P P.. 16 16. 1. 32. 5 1 5 A E 19:40 hrs 7:40 p.m. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Jun 2020

6/28/2020 18:17 – Facebook Post

This was sent to me at 11:27 am by Liberty C Liscomb I can not really address her directly about the play and this reality, since I am now firmly in the 5 D E reality and script and this world is already comfirmed as Non Existence, so I spoke to Jeron about how the Death will come through ” Something in the Air” The intel was an act, forced upon me yesterday when I woke up happy.. I was […]

28 Jun 2020

6/28/2020 4:31 – Facebook Post

Namasate Ma’at N.M.. Nom Ren of the Tidal Waves Now Calm Waters.. Goddess Consciousness Bliss E.T Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Jun 2020

6/28/2020 4:30 – Facebook Post

And At last Arrival of the Mysterious One… The Elemental Fore Father.. Shelter and Reign of Infinity.. A Bra H. A.M.. H-A.M. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Jun 2020

6/28/2020 4:28 – Facebook Post

church where i was christened notice 96* and1+8 is 9 and 2009 ascension even i described,starlight+starlight=18 letters and starlight is 9 letters like nightwish Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Jun 2020

6/28/2020 4:27 – Facebook Post

They are your stars ??? Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

27 Jun 2020

6/27/2020 22:10 – Facebook Post

Sea S E A. O F. Inuition. S O I. ‘Soi” means ” Self. “S E L F” in French. “Soignee” Add G N. EE. 7 14 EE It means ” Grooming” Liberty C Liscomb went to get a Hair cut before she left to went Virgina with the kids. The name meaning of the barber aasigned to her was “Groom ” Arden was meant to go, but at the appointed say cancelled. These are the Mardi Grasse beads I […]