

23 Jul 2020

7/23/2020 18:05 – Facebook Post

15:26 p.m 7-23-2020 Hello. I have reached the completion of my coding and created the Re-Construction code with my Guide Father Scheduled to rise in Arden Fred Knox Gemino- 25 H IS. HE HER Avatar Descendants Chosen It hasn’t- For as Arden once commented thus Entire Physical Reality People his very environment must transforn change. And I am in Perfect Agreement with him, it is meant to have transformed by now. People are meant to have been fully Aware. But […]

22 Jul 2020

7/22/2020 13:29 – Facebook Post

13:29 p.m 1:29 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Jul 2020

7/21/2020 16:25 – Facebook Post

As you can see..I never really left Delta Manor Shelter.. Room 4 B. Bed 4:019/ 18. D.:0 S. D:O R DS DR RD. SD. D.D. OO. S R. 900 South Road 44. Liberty C Liscomb. OO ..7. Solfeggio Rainbow. 8 OO. ( 15/ 15. 1. 3O A.C. 1: 13 A.M. 1 3O= 1 36 A F C ..9 .. I I & I Alexander The Great Arden Gemino. & E Family reps. ( Ferill Aurelia Leander) Jeron Satya). Esteban Miguel […]

19 Jul 2020

7/19/2020 16:59 – Facebook Post

2:42 p.m 7-19-2020. Reaching Arden Gemino and recognizing him, and then having to prove how I knew him, his energy signature from Eden Eternity, to 1992 the Dark Matter as the Mystery I had moved through as the speed of light, to Alexander, to my brother Nnamdi, all his incarnations and then to link them to the Youth ( which was easy, but made seemingly impossible by the Unseen and Seen who did not wish me to complete the play […]

18 Jul 2020

7/18/2020 23:41 – Facebook Post

I came to Proof my Guide Fathers Truth…. 9:01 p.m. @ 20:01 Hours I received this message in response from Liberty C Liscomb to my 7:50 p.m message to her, that it truly is Arden Script of E but it was neither of our voices of truth which was taken into consideration but one which was not ours, which conceded this Truth. E.T. Liberty C Liscomb: “Ok. So Arden’s script Had to be coded by you, and proven perfection in […]

18 Jul 2020

7/18/2020 19:15 – Facebook Post

ARDEN IS THE ONE… 1. I. I E A R.D…RD Quarters Q=17 E.N.. 5 14= 19 S. Stephan “Crown.. Crowned. *I never had one iota of doubt about that, despite so much effort created to make me doubt. But I did have a question his play… and that part of him I could not in all truth and honesty, state was as me. Yet was still in Perfect Harmony with the Play which I despise. .. and yet was in […]

17 Jul 2020

7/17/2020 18:58 – Facebook Post

From Alexander David Charbonneau What I love about this post is that when Alex was challenged to provide evidence verifying that this was not Fake News.. He did 6:58 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Jul 2020

7/17/2020 16:01 – Facebook Post

From Esteban Miguel Filgueira Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Jul 2020

7/16/2020 15:59 – Facebook Post

12:25 p.m. L-Y. 7-16-2020. G-P TT. E: A.M..E.K… Hello… This is the code of the people present here at the end of this …Enders Game of what I have correctly defined as the Universal Simulation Awareness. A matrix Maze all based on Humanities right to evolve. I say I am correct, because once that which is the catalyst or instigator confirms that truth publicly- whether designated witnesses ie the public are paying attention or not, then it is becomes truth. […]

15 Jul 2020

7/15/2020 23:53 – Facebook Post

11:22 p.m. .. Those of you who have been following for a while, and some of you of recent may understand why I am so thoroughly disturbed, and yes, by the Time Code, you know to whom I am addressing… D.N. David Roman-c.e” Nicholas. Using Brain Waves Body Waves on the E.M.F Full Circle Radar… See Sacred Portal 9 There are three friends here Arden Morgan… Karl. A M ..Add me, and it is E… A/M.. E.K. 11:28 p.m. See […]