

26 Aug 2020

8/26/2020 21:52 – Facebook Post

4:13 p.m. 8-26-2020. Hello, This date today is the the day I found 268 East 4th Street Generation X Gardens after roaming 61 days on the streets of New York, looking for a portal which a woman called Sue, who owned the Green House stated that I must find the place where beings existed before Adam lived. The E Family. and The First Man… EVE and ADD A.M. I saw that I had moved to 1482 Facebook friends with one […]

25 Aug 2020

8/25/2020 15:30 – Facebook Post

From Michael O Donnell… But then what if the Space Time Continuum, is naught but a movie, directed by The Individual Directing (I.D) and the E Line who exists outside of Space Time… Moving Everything Stillness, NEXUS LOKI (Locus), through using an Actor within the :Movie” to illustrate the T.I.D..E movement and point… it is a play created for you to realize your True Nature and hence.. A simulation called Universal Natures Expression in the 4 D…Green Wavelength… that the […]

24 Aug 2020

8/24/2020 14:28 – Facebook Post

Hello John Mack came over today.. And I had the last Shadow of a Doubt, Shade cast on him and his line he represents dispelled. I represent the I.. 9 There is only One. Irreplaceable And John and I. The 8 8 Chiefy Tree Sage is The Rep of The Script The Story of Time. 8:88 x2.. Sarah Kaizer OH. Liberty C Liscomb Alexa Vertefeuille The Completion at 5 8 And the 7 8. 68 once more Represented by John […]

23 Aug 2020

8/23/2020 20:08 – Facebook Post

3:59 p.m. C E I. 8-23-2020. H W 20/20…1A. H D VV. A. Hello. The entire object of this Play on my page- aimed at The People; Lay men and woman: the Average, Le Mode, was from what I can discern from the stops and pauses, of this Board Game, was so that they could learn to Read Reality for themselves. That my entire work for the People of this world, was to create an E-Manual and a Code book […]

23 Aug 2020

8/23/2020 15:48 – Facebook Post

From Pablo Ernesto Looking within To the Nothing IS Matter. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

22 Aug 2020

8/22/2020 19:01 – Facebook Post

14:50 Hundred Hours 2:50 p.m N E O. B E O 8-22-2020 H V 20/20 =1 H V A / A V H. Harmony Victorious Arden Alpha Hello.. Its has been quiet here for the last couple of days, apart from the posts unraveling through me like a Spool of thread. I am constantly spinning, being turned around and around. By body like Toffee, inside muscles body transforming but linked to each post and its expression moving us forward. When […]

21 Aug 2020

8/21/2020 20:07 – Facebook Post

2:16 p.m B P. Beautiful Pride. Black Panther… 8-21-2020. H.U. TT. H B A, TT. Hello.. Home… Family… Self and Selves. This has been the quest which has occupied all life forms in Creation. It is not a desire to belong as people say, but rather the one purpose which is planted in all things. To be around those whom you do not have to explain yourself, or justify you existence and point of view. Love is not tested and […]

20 Aug 2020

8/20/2020 18:59 – Facebook Post

2:09 p.m. 8-20-2020. For you the public, many of you from my personal experience have a very difficult time, accepting the even with the evidence and facts that this is real. That we are at Evolution Awakening, and that there is a Script which was designated, as well as a Curriculum, and then a Exam paper which had to be followed and answered. That the evolution awakening of the Species is literally merited and and earned, and that it had […]

20 Aug 2020

8/20/2020 13:43 – Facebook Post

13:43 Hundred Hours 1:43 p.m 5 years ago Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Aug 2020

8/18/2020 23:56 – Facebook Post

10:10 p.m. Insane… I found a packet containing Ginger and besides it, Two Cucumbers, that was the day Stephen Esteban Miguel Filgueira returned to Orgegon after his 4:20 get together in the 13th. 13 M..1000… K 1000… M K I E… M I K E… I M ..E.K… MI E.K. It was laid out in front of the house. I paused, reflected and then decided it must be an offering from one of Stephens guests. Only today, after Athena Sarah […]