

03 Sep 2020

9/3/2020 18:12 – Facebook Post

4:25 p.m D Y… D Y E… Purple Reign. 9-3-2020. I C 2020 Perfect Eye-Sight and 2020 Hindsight-Foresight. Hello… Yesterdays play of I.D. culminated in the brief appearance of Eun Kyung. E K. In the meaning of the name was the response to Emeka Kolo as the reps of E Knows Expression. The meaning of the name Emeka Kolo interfaces with the Korean name and meaning of Eun Kyung, When the two names me as rep of the E and […]

03 Sep 2020

9/3/2020 14:13 – Facebook Post

From Kamora Herrington Yes, I call it personal grooming. Shower Bathe, clean daily… And refinement, which leads to Evolution to the point. Self Improvement. Earth School.. and then you graduate. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 Sep 2020

9/2/2020 19:59 – Facebook Post

4:40 p.m. 4 40… 4 46 9-2-2020. I B TT. Hello… I am in a grumpy mood. Well not really, just when i find myself in this play.. again. I started the day with urgent desire to text Ferril Gemino. It was something I knew had to be done. But what irked me was though i knew why, it was the scripts seemingly endless way of creating mis-understanding by my having to play both the observer and actor in a […]

31 Aug 2020

8/31/2020 22:39 – Facebook Post

This is from Stephen Johnson S Crowned The Son- Sum- Song- Songe of The Creators Grace” Declaring ” Code 3301″ “Attained Perfection” ( A P = 1 16 ) My bill today in the Ego- Ego play. 116:94 USD Ego in OINri Igbo ( Forest People Free People. F P F P = 22 22. V V. Double V) Sacred Portal 116 Chosen by both A age 17 and me E 52. 35 age code . A Gap of 17 […]

31 Aug 2020

8/31/2020 21:00 – Facebook Post

6:30 p.m. F C O… 30 years 8 years age code. 38 see Sacred Portal 38. C H/H C .. Harwington Connecticut, Hartford Connecticut. Consciousness Harmony. Consciousness = Speed of Light ( Sol… Supreme Love.. Supreme Cee…to E Eternity Eden Energy creation.. via Expression) Creation is Harmony. Consciousness C is I H= H. C I H… C I E H… O M E. C H H C.. 38/ 83. Precise Correct code is C H.. C I H.. not H […]

30 Aug 2020

8/30/2020 22:28 – Facebook Post

Intel from Kamora Herrington Gold .Experience A.U. A C. E Purple Rain R P River Phoenix Around the World and A Day. ” Delta Manor Play from bed 49 to 18 Mountain View ( Donna O Sullivan ) Miami Erik Bright 2 months Returned to A Shelter bed 007 One Year and a day… From 18 Alexander Grove Bed 4-018/19. To 900 South Road I & I 18รท2= 9. 2 9 9 2 11 2 11 2 11 11. 22. […]

30 Aug 2020

8/30/2020 19:31 – Facebook Post

15:27 Hundred Hours 8-30-2020. Hello.. Its been quiet, here except for the work No one has been here in days, And I am appreciative of Stephan Filgueria Esteban Miguel Filgueira and The Script for providing me this space and time to be alone to deal with my body and pause to reflect upon this entire journey Mission. Its true, earned it, was made to code my own departure to this play to pause, via Arden and Jerons approval. *I love […]

29 Aug 2020

8/29/2020 19:17 – Facebook Post

4:16 p.m. D P…. D A F. 8-29-2020. H B I … A Man of Infinite Harmonious Perfect Vision. Code which came through Liberty C Liscomb 56:56 telephone conversation. Date I moved into 900 South Road, after establishing the meaning of 29 in the Script “A Man” and the final Challenge and Test, represented by me, for A-lien Father Alpha, who is linked and now connected to Arden Jeron. A J. Arden Ferrill Aurelia A F A. Arden Leander -Liberty […]

28 Aug 2020

8/28/2020 15:05 – Facebook Post

Does the Atom have a designer… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

27 Aug 2020

8/27/2020 21:19 – Facebook Post

17:20 -17:21 Hundred Hours. 5:20 – 5:20 p.m 8-27-2020. H A-A..TT H B G. TT. Love IS. Hello.. Today we are stable at 1483 Facebook Friends for the First Time since the last 3 days of 1513 OM moved minus 1, 13, 12, 4 A M L D … Which formed the code A M ( 14th State) Love Desire.. A M P.. Awakening Manifest Perfection. A = M L D, in Roman Numerals is A= 155 See Sacred Portal […]