

18 Oct 2020

10/18/2020 16:55 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 47. 11-22-1947-8 My Mothers C her rage comes as promised when she said, if after all this my son ( Big Brother) told the truth of everything after what you put him.. us through and all the reps of our line… Mother of Dragons… M O D.. / D O M… Defender of Man- “Alexander Alexis …. 4:55 p.m D E E Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Oct 2020

10/17/2020 22:27 – Facebook Post

22:27 Hundred Hours right now Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Oct 2020

10/16/2020 15:34 – Facebook Post

2:02 p.m. 16-10-2020. P J. A…. Perfection J and A. How It Ends. H I… E. H.. I E… 89..E. 8-95/ 59 H. I began Talking To The Silence- The Journals ( T.J) in 1989. The main actor in the movie How It End is Theo James. ( T J) *and yes Theo at Delta Manor- it was he and Alexa who convinced me to stay and who assigned me bed 5-019. ( E O S.. E O A I.) […]

14 Oct 2020

10/14/2020 14:16 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Oct 2020

10/13/2020 23:01 – Facebook Post

And this is Sacred Portal 39… Sullivan “Hawk Eyed” Eagle Eyes.. E E.. ALL Seeing Eye.. A S E… All Seeing I.. E A S..I… . I S A-E…. Isa Yeshua is E 11:01 pm Okay… done… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Oct 2020

10/13/2020 18:23 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 66.. 9/9= 1.. 6/6 = 1 A A Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Oct 2020

10/13/2020 17:19 – Facebook Post

“For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love”. Carl Sagan. * Please recall that Love = C.ee.. C:ee “A” S: ee.. A.. Arousal Awakening… A-A… This is the quote above the entrance of Esteban Stephen 29 st residence. it had a golden spiral on it and a yellow a dried yellow rose. * Many of you might recall the play of the Roses with Liberty which she bought me when my Mother Cecilia left this […]

12 Oct 2020

10/12/2020 21:55 – Facebook Post

8:19 p.m. H S… Holy Spirit…( Satya ) He Sings Truth Beautiful Truth. Hello… as you can see, some one is speaking for me…. see it in my latest facebook Friend- which brings us back from 1486 and back to 14 87 Facebook Friends. See the meaning of his name and the post on his page which I shared.. but for my own reasons.. William Jedidiah IkeChukwu W.J.I… I J W… 9 10 ..23. Yes link to Kamora Herrington code […]

09 Oct 2020

10/9/2020 22:03 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 86.. 8-6-2020… October 8- months at 6th day… 6-8… Stephen – Esteban Filgueria returned. 1 is beyond the Trinity.. the C Planet Earth and the C Speed of light… beyond even Sol…5th note. 14 86 Facebook Friends. Wong Koplk. W K… D VV.K.. Kim ( Tree Sage) Kamora Herrington … Beyond Os of Woman… E O S.. Dawn 10:01 pm 14 86 =100… 10.. 1 / 1 10 100 Roman Numbers 100 is C.. Sacred portal 110.. A […]

09 Oct 2020

10/9/2020 21:44 – Facebook Post

See Sacred Portal 16… MOM.. WOW a 16 years of is LAD Y L IB E RT…Y… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here