

28 Oct 2020

10/28/2020 17:46 – Facebook Post

Source Codes. Solved by A MAN And now Two Men.. Awaiting confirmation of our little sister Harmony Serenity linked to Liberty C Liscomb and Kamora Herrington. 14:53 Hundred Hours right now 2:53 p.m N E C. K. A D E C. K. B E C. K. H A.M. ( David) 10-28-2020 J B H. 2020 Vision. A F ” MAN” Leander. Sacred Portal 28 ..Victor Victorious I am back at 14 86 Facebook Friends With the arrival of Anja Umlauf […]

27 Oct 2020

10/27/2020 22:26 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 23. W Double V. VV 22:2.4… no.. 22:25;Hundred Hours right now. V Y. V B E 10:25 p.m J Y J O Y. E. A H. I 22:26 Hundred Hours right now V Z V B F. A Friend Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

27 Oct 2020

10/27/2020 22:24 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 22. So Stephen Johnson Tree Sage Sabrina Anirbas Lem Sabrina Frey Liberty C Liscomb Eztabon Miguel Filgueira S T S L E. This is what all the fuss was all about. If you read it.. Ass Hole which the way Arden said it with no malice or venom in it made me investigate and have the last piece but to me, the most startling evidence and under standing as to what such a vehement challenge and response to […]

27 Oct 2020

10/27/2020 16:20 – Facebook Post

Anirbas Lem Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Oct 2020

10/26/2020 22:02 – Facebook Post

21.09 Hundred Hours right now Universe.O9. Chess S E M F is 6 96. Sacred Portal 96 O.I. B A O ..I. B: A F …I 2 Alien Father Alpha’s 10-26-2020 J Z 20/20 A Jesse Macias Orejuela Zion Orejula. Maccias Jesse Jessinia. Alexander Arden Kim Arthur Hines Athena was born from Zeus Head. Sol Rosario the note of Sol Rose… Hagar Kamora Herrington Sheba Solomon so of King David founder of the Christ line. Mohammed Yeshua M My Youth. […]

26 Oct 2020

10/26/2020 16:50 – Facebook Post

From Tree Sage Tranquil & Serine T S Why .. he steps back. Take a Look at the background yourself.. Created by the Set Designers Eternal Ethereal-Elementals E E Natures Symphony Now any one who knows Jesse Macias Orejuela will see the uncanny unmistakable resemblance of the two. 16:43 Hundred Hours right now I know that look on, and from Jesse anywhere. 10-26-2020 J..H. Z. Zion. We saw Zion both the same way Jaguar im the Jungle Evolved to the […]

26 Oct 2020

10/26/2020 15:18 – Facebook Post

And so it is done. “The Dream of the One Father ” S P 10. Jay Jeron Arden Aurelia S J. 19 10.. 29. 11. A- A… 1. A=E. 27. +2 A & E AA. are E.F I could explain the Historic meaning of this, which has nothing to do with their skin complexion or race. But more about Dark Matter Energy and the first Moon. Pale Moon. Light in the Dark Room A Photo developed in a Dark Room […]

25 Oct 2020

10/25/2020 16:33 – Facebook Post

13:39 Hundred Hours right now M C I 1:39 p.m A: C I. Now that the Hypocrisy has been proven in the current Expression as ” Black Lives Matter” B L M M LB Man Light Bringer And Black is Fabulous.. Really the Fabulous Fantastic 4 G R A C E The Truth as Black is Light as Matter has risen as supreme. Dark Matter Dark Energy and at its base beyond all that rage is a Heart of Love […]

25 Oct 2020

10/25/2020 0:48 – Facebook Post

Do the Fearl ful determine the Fate of the Fearless? Unless the Fearless forget that they live in a paradigm going back thousands and thousands of years based on a foundation of fear.. Only the Arrogant the Dramatic or the Silly do not finds them selves the Will Power to pause and recall.” I do need a Plan: P LA. N… ET But if that which was once programed to be fearfull reads for example quietly my posts of one […]

24 Oct 2020

10/24/2020 18:00 – Facebook Post

Moment of Truth Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here