

31 Oct 2020

10/31/2020 18:15 – Facebook Post

17:37 Hundred 5:37 p.m Please See Tree Sage Elijah code 37. .. Its Sacred Portal 37 Sophia Oscar Lauren” S O L S F L … S F L O W. E. R I N G S F L O O R. At 1485 Facebook Friends And the confirmation of the only other persons openly living on the E Family Frequency Esteban Filgueria Stephen Filgueria Is Kim Arthur Hines And Arden Gemino proven by the play btween he and I […]

31 Oct 2020

10/31/2020 12:27 – Facebook Post

Sent to me by Kasien Thompson Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

30 Oct 2020

10/30/2020 19:25 – Facebook Post

62. B Sexual Revolution 62. Not 26 26. Z Z 52. That is me… Zen Zoon ZEN. ZOOM. IN FOR THE KILL E A G L E. E. U S. A Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

30 Oct 2020

10/30/2020 19:09 – Facebook Post

They were looking for the Source of Magic.. The Infinite Energy Source Atom and Energy E A Conversation F M Band. And the Fountain of Youth My Grandmother Lucy Ojugo earned the highest title for an O I Nri Igbo woman by remembering that in her past life she had buried a pot of itensils and things from her past life. When it was discovered in a big ceremony it was confirmed as true fact and she was given that […]

30 Oct 2020

10/30/2020 16:33 – Facebook Post

16:19 Hundred Hours right now P.S * Post Script Please Stop 16 19. = 35. C E. @ 8 Sacred Portal 8 See sequence S T. Stephen Filgueria. Tree Sage 39. C I. 39. 12. L. Life. Light Lightness Luminosity =Loves Expression Iluminate then, Enlighten I L Serenity Erabella ( Anirbas Lem Dillon RobertDillon A L. R D. Eztabon Miguel Filgueira Kim Arthur Hines E K . M A. F H. 56. E F = 11 K. Kim. 112. K […]

30 Oct 2020

10/30/2020 15:23 – Facebook Post

Stephen Esteban took me to 114 Grant Moor Motel on arrival in Connecticut 23 months ago. Kim Arthur Hines was born 11 -4 Mission Impossible 8 to Extract Stephen Esteban And Tree Kim Arthur Hines S T. E K. From the clutches of the Great Wizard and Warlock… Spells and constant War. Kim was in the Army.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

30 Oct 2020

10/30/2020 15:02 – Facebook Post

Kim is still 32. 3 months 2 days at 29 Lincoln Esther Isabel Cecilia Jonn Jason Lee JJ L = 32 Tree Sage is as Stephen Filgueria Line of Wisdom John. 5 6 principle of Existence Family of T E N Eros Kali. E K Emeka Kim E K Esteban Emeka Hines Kolo. Filgueria Kolo. Emeka Kelsie Bissell Edward Kelsie E K E K Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

30 Oct 2020

10/30/2020 14:55 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 2 linked to 3 The Story. A B. Linked to C Kim Arthur Hines.. Tree Sage lives on the 2nd Floor… in the Story but would work on the 2rd floor where Chris Filgueira and I .. Mackayla Burgos and John Mack lived. 2 connected to 3 So here is my being brought back to 217 219 South Whitney to rescue the last of the original people at South Whitney or still moving as Programs in the Matrix […]

29 Oct 2020

10/29/2020 23:42 – Facebook Post

22:20 Hundred Hours V T. / T V 11-4-2020 Mission Impossible VIII 8 Kim Arthur Hines- Arden-Aurelia line. K A H 11 1. = H Esteban Kim Emeka Kolo- Kim Hines Emeka Esteban. K.IM. ART-H UR. Harmony.. K Art-Hur Arthur Hur Jane Hur A J Kim is 11 ( Esteban Kim.. Stephen Kim) 1 is A for Arden Is Harmony E H E 85 Again back to 14 85 Facebook Friends K A H. Dopplegangers E K Kim is Jesse… […]

29 Oct 2020

10/29/2020 14:34 – Facebook Post

Its always been recognized by me that I was inna Game of Chess. Cosmic Chess. Flip J Hendrixs Peter Nyarkô and the stone Chess Board in the Foyer of 33 street where I had stayed in 2005 back from Augusta Georgia with Michael Frazer M F And where I met Fritz Venneiq formerly Recon Studios Sound Studio. I had been there in 2004. Chess was the name of the two guys in the Shelter one Black and the other white. […]