

11 Nov 2020

11/11/2020 15:02 – Facebook Post

10:44 p.m right now J DD . 11-11-2020. 11 11 22. ..4 ( 1) Yesterday 10 11 K J Kim Jae. These are the numbers she gave as her favorite numbers. 11 22 44 Today 11 11 Kim and Kamora. ( Tree Sage) K.K. Hello. Stephen Esteban Miguel Figueroa brought me here, and I sponsored me for 9 months generously. And for 3 more months before I was brought here and in Perfect Harmony of that Script completed his sponsorship […]

10 Nov 2020

11/10/2020 13:30 – Facebook Post

12:29 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Nov 2020

11/9/2020 14:44 – Facebook Post

I am always being spirited away back into this actuality of Evolution Awakening done and linked by ones self. Its incredible. Even after all these years, decades.. all the hurdles scaled to prove it into this current human existence and mentality, via Constant Expression of my Vision of being Conscious naturally. Do you know how long it has been? 24/7 my entire life, not able to escape it even when I tried. Not even death would take me, nor would […]

08 Nov 2020

11/8/2020 16:50 – Facebook Post

E brought Bella here last night. She from Oregon 33rd State 33.Vertebra Sacred Portal 33 Two C’s. ..Cc. 3/3 C/C = 1 A. E brought Bella to E K and Emeka Kim Gold. Beautiful Body. B B. 2 2 H.V Heavenly Bodies H B. 2 8 E M F On in rising U.P On A Electro Magnetic Field. E.M F Sensational Feelings. Supreme Crown of the Thread Eli Fil of Awakening Memory … S F brought a young woman called […]

05 Nov 2020

11/5/2020 22:03 – Facebook Post

From Terry Lynne Cooper J.J. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

05 Nov 2020

11/5/2020 13:43 – Facebook Post

From Shannon Larke Martin S L M ” Somewhere over the Rainbow 1-7 colors ROY-G,G B I V ..is 8 H Esteban Kim Arthur Hines Aurelia. Arden Eden Is a Silver Lining and a Pot of Gold. Silver And Gold . Expression S A G. E E G. A.S. E Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 Nov 2020

11/2/2020 17:24 – Facebook Post

There are 64 Squares on a Western Chess Board 8 on each side. There are 16 pieces each black and white. 16 is P. 32 in total C B … For Variants: Between 9 to 112 Squares 9 is 9 Days at 217-219 South Whitney with Kim Arthur Hines 9 months 9 planets 9 is letter I. 112 is Todays Date. Sacred Portal 112 AA A L. A-A B I have moved to 64 places. In the last 19 years. […]

01 Nov 2020

11/1/2020 17:44 – Facebook Post

When I found that I was cast to play a role in this Evolution Awakening Play by the Unseen Beings of True Nature of Existence.. and Man. On discovering that I had no choice, and after my initial protests of indignation; such as ” This is against Eternal Divine and even Natural Law.. etc I said that I would play my part as I am As I feel and felt it. Not as a Buddha Prophet A Christ Not a […]

01 Nov 2020

11/1/2020 12:20 – Facebook Post

From Faith Akwetey F A. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

01 Nov 2020

11/1/2020 12:15 – Facebook Post

From Susan Dat. S D. 6-29-1992. 11:11 Hundred Hours right now Its a confirmation of 29 Lincoln as the venue of 1992 Paris journey of 6th sense 92 /29 Full Circle Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here