

02 Jan 2021

1/2/2021 18:55 – Facebook Post

3:04 pm. 34. C D 3.64 C.F D. 1-2-2021. A-B-T.B.A. Yes, A Full Circle. Hello. There is only myself and Kim here. We have concluded our conversation and mission, the Supernatural to the Eternal and Infinite. And despite my being fully aware that the majority of my Facebook friends are Avatars, or Avatar Descendants most have no idea what my posting day after day for the past 9 years has been about, and why I refused to have this conversation […]

02 Jan 2021

1/2/2021 1:18 – Facebook Post

12:12 a,m I found myself watching this again last night. The first time I watched it I had said hey that is what is happening to me since age 20-12 when I met Mary Jane- Adola in University. Watching it now, I know it is my story but what is happening to me Energetically by my traveling via Time back to myself self, my true Self and my body and being ( and E Family) as immortals Eternal Beautiful Youth. […]

28 Dec 2020

12/28/2020 15:57 – Facebook Post

From Fabiano Amorim. 9-12-1982. Its the same day that Serenity was born, Kims 5 year old daughter is here (8007651389 – she just wrote this code and it means actually means ) And Benjamin just sent me a message he is born 1982. yes something is going on, 2:56pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Dec 2020

12/26/2020 21:06 – Facebook Post

From Hernan Eugenio Cardona H: E C… H 53. I just received a message from Hernan, who is not a Facebook friend. It was a Video. As you may have noticed my post today was completed at 6:53 pm My Age code in the 32-year script 19 67. Age code 53 is E C. H E C / C E H. Harmony E C 8 5 3 3+5 C E= H. 7:58 pm. Evolution of consciousness.. Holy Spirit. Holy E-Spirit […]

25 Dec 2020

12/25/2020 15:57 – Facebook Post

From Jesse Savage. J S. 10-19-78. J-S-7.8 Billion People in the planet- posted yesterday and here arrives Jesse Savage born code J S-78/87. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

24 Dec 2020

12/24/2020 23:00 – Facebook Post

From Toufic Khedaria. O.N.E D A Y / Y ADEN O. AD E.NO. Beautiful Youth Aden. *”Aden means Variant of Adin: Attractive; handsome; pleasure given. Adin was a biblical exile who returned to Israel from Babylon. Little Fire. L F. And yes, Arden. E Beautiful Youth. See my Sacred Portal 1A. and 53 “One D A I H .A S C O M E.” I am Fire Sign. And The E Beautiful Youth rep Arden L F… F L… *The […]

24 Dec 2020

12/24/2020 19:34 – Facebook Post

2:56 pm. 12-24-2020. Hello… I have a new Facebook Friend, Patrice Human Torch Meister. P H T M. It is easy to understand this code P H ( Poverty Hollow, Perfect Harmony) T M / Micha-el Trahe just sent me a message and moment ago expressing Appreciation and Gratitude for all I have done for his awareness to be Conscious.) T M as most of you know is aligned to Truth Manifests in solid fact for all to see as […]

24 Dec 2020

12/24/2020 15:41 – Facebook Post

From Patrice Human Torch Meister. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

24 Dec 2020

12/24/2020 4:04 – Facebook Post

“The greatest Ideal of the Warrior, is to Lay down his Sword” J.E.T L.I. J L = V. H E R O. O R..E H. “You have been fighting from the moment you came out of my Womb” my Mothers’s saddest yet most beautiful expression to me.” Its is true, to lay down my Sword is my greatest Idea Dream. Universal Peace. This is how far, I had to go… To the very The Source To my highest ideal to […]

23 Dec 2020

12/23/2020 21:52 – Facebook Post

3:25 pm. C Y 12-23-2020. L W TT. The Waiting Game. A Pause to look back. I have solved the riddles of this existence and the universe… Alone, by walking through a Script designated for me to walk through- a script created for me ( or perhaps anyone who dared?), No, I think it was literally designated for me to walk through) – A script like an Examination Test and check. A Script in which no choice, was given, no […]