

17 Apr 2022

6:06 p.m – 6:07 pm – 66. – 666. – 6

6:06 p.m 6:07 pm 66. 666. 67. 667. FFF… 6/6 =1 1+6=7. 12 +1 = 13 +6 19 S. A I. D- Delta-Dawn. 666 Mark of the Beast. M-A E.K O.F Being of the EA S T 666-18. Rep Arden Gemino- 66 7. 1 7. A G Code aligned to Eneka Kolo. * See the play of Liberty C and the post of the Brown Rings representing Earrh Land. Time Code 6:07 am. I have a New Facebook Friend. The […]

17 Apr 2022

4;24 am. – I am still up, and j

4;24 am. I am still up, and just somehow opened my Phone and saw I have another Facebook Friend waiting on the wings. Chris Cynthia. C C. That makes it 5 Facebook in the Wings. I was tripping on this play Script . But yes. I know what this latest request means after seeing Chris at C.V S. And Cynthia representing Chris Gemino and Liberty C close friend, aka Thanksgiving Day 11-28-2019- and the last place Liberty stayed with the […]

17 Apr 2022

Capitolina Miroslav – Miroslav.

Capitolina Miroslav Miroslav. Peaceful Glory. P.G. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Apr 2022

11:43 pm – A.C – Assassins Creed

11:43 pm A.C Assassins Creed Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Apr 2022

10:35 p.m – J.C.E. – I am laughi

10:35 p.m J.C.E. I am laughing right now, roaring with a wry quiet humor. So I will just relay what took place. With my 7 USD, I required little since I have the basics. I have at last completed the Mission and found at last the Person who the First Liht Fantastic and it reflection shade. Shadow ( Dark Matter…recall Manu? He was with Stephen Gascougbe in Paris before I left…. see the meaning of the name ” Manu” and […]

16 Apr 2022

For Carrol Levi. – Carrol is th

For Carrol Levi. Carrol is the name of my Motyer and Theresa- Ijeoma-Iesha’s younger sister. The one who literally seemed possessed. It would come in and out and was the heart break of my Grabdparents, especially my Grandmother. It means “Fierce in Battle.” True, she was was Heas Girl in her boarding School Queens Nsukka Equivalent here of also Valedictorian * Stephen Johnson It also means Man…Free Man and Christmas Carrolls… Songs of Praise. She is the one .Chinyelu Lord […]

16 Apr 2022

8:29 pm – 8-29-2019. – I have be

8:29 pm 8-29-2019. I have been starring at this image for a while now. It some Graffiti on the right hand corner of the Door Franw here Kieth,The Painter left it. Viola Floria V F. Nidia Viola N.V…. This time no V N.as Virginia Nidea. That is what the instrument that the Charecter ” “A Mouse?” Is playing.a Viola. ViolaChastity One who is Chaste… Pure of Heart. String Theorey. S T. The Source. Of Everything T.S..O.E. T S.S.T? T S […]

16 Apr 2022

From Stephen Popiotek – 3 Ways.

From Stephen Popiotek 3 Ways… 3 in 1. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Apr 2022

From Aron Chang. A.C. – Aguiler

From Aron Chang. A.C. Aguilera Cartier. A C. Sacred Portal 36. Link connect rep Chris Filgueira C.F. Blue Tranquility Blue Serenity Blue Satan. Blue Darma Santa Blue is Eternal Truth Eternal Law. E T.E L. 959 885 0210…O 21 O. 3:50 p.m. C.E O Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

15 Apr 2022

10:34 pm – 10 7 Sacred Portal –

10:34 pm 10 7 Sacred Portal What can I say ..? Sorry about your car Accident Alicia Norris it was Nnamdi resourcing as the world seeking to get your Attention as the One True World Spirit? First through your son Dakota ” meaning :Ally and Friend” And Tahoma which means Snowy Mountain Peaks” ( S. M.P) Frozen Waters. Mother of Waters..Majestic Mountains Range Peak… F.W. M.M.R.P. Or Stephen Johnson that you Carter response was about Linda Carter Wonder Of Wunan […]