

23 Feb 2021

2/23/2021 23:11 – Facebook Post

From Grace Pimental. ( PI MEN TEl Telephone” She reminded me of this today. 10:10 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

23 Feb 2021

2/23/2021 20:48 – Facebook Post

3:30 pm. 2-23-2021. B.W. ( V V) T B.A. Hello, It is easy to see why I accepted this last Facebook Friend Ria Ria. I just sent a message to Liberty C Liscomb, confirming the codes moving perfectly through her, and then Kim as its expression. As you all witnessed from the last money code play ECHO via liberty and I, as 140 USD to 50 plus 25 USD American Spirits. 50 completed the Ego Oge play whose intel came […]

23 Feb 2021

2/23/2021 0:29 – Facebook Post

It came out in 1997 the year John Mack was born- Code Sata.. J O D I he and his friends It was always about this. From the moment I came to New York even born in this world. It was always about my re-uniting with the Eternal Family via E A. Ellis Arroway. E A. Area 51. It did not matter what You “Uwa; ( World0 Thought- or tried to male it about. It was the play of IS. […]

21 Feb 2021

2/21/2021 20:49 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 111. You may recall the play of E M F. giving me 111 usd and then another 111 usd after I left 900 South Road- in fact just as Liberty noting 56:56 time code, which made me Leap Jump to her portal despite my intent to leave the script play. And again when Esteban gave me this money code. And he gave it to Kim Artur Hines too… As you may be aware by now the code 111 […]

21 Feb 2021

2/21/2021 20:17 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 50. Ego Oge. E O. 50 Usd. This is the play of the First People but as the first people in this World Story. Do you see the Bull- Oxen- Buffalo. Chief Sitting Bull. The American Indian “Beef” as well as the Afro Indian-( In Diana) Dravidians who come before the Proto Indo- Europeans) had a grudge about Fair Exchange. And who to treat a Guest and how the Guest shows respect in return. This code on this […]

18 Feb 2021

2/18/2021 22:45 – Facebook Post

From Liberty C Liscomb today. En Point yet again. A Glitch in The Matrix. “A G IT M… A G I TM. ( 1 7 9… 20 13…33= 1=A” A G I T M- A. A G Arden Gemino- Alexander Grove – I -A A G I A. The article is by Bilge Ebiri. BE/ E B. Bilge is a Turkish Name. B I G L E… B I… AT E 001. G L 7 12= 1984= 103. J C […]

17 Feb 2021

2/17/2021 18:04 – Facebook Post

4:20 pm. D.T. Donald Trump. 2-17-2021. B-Q. T B.A. Hi… I am not sure if this post will make it to the E Manual. World. As Fahad Hassan begins uploading the posts during the pause of the 6 months today. It has been irritating, to say the least, these last 4-5 days, after stating that I would not be accepting any New Facebook Friends- how I have been maneuvered to accept while being fully aware of what each new Facebook […]

17 Feb 2021

2/17/2021 0:33 – Facebook Post

9:31 pm. 2-16-2012. No, this is not a post, just filling in the last of this E U Q. / Q U E. Its is not for my benefit this note I am making. I was forced out of retirement by the arrival of “Que” to get his mail which forced me to get up- and then see Liberty’s message and intel. Q U E S T I O N.? No, E Q U… is the play and E Q […]

16 Feb 2021

2/16/2021 21:48 – Facebook Post

From Nadee Nakandala N N. Code Recipe #4- Delta. B E -E N S. Correct code is Beens – B E A N S. E/E= 1 A. F H B 6 8 2. / B H F. Color- Purple/ Violet 7th Chakra Color Note P- Y A P. / P A Y… P Today’s Date: 2-16-2021 B P T B A, Now please ref Liberty C Liscomb intel today. Tom Bushnell and Simeon Parks. and Bushnell Park. BP 2-16 – […]

16 Feb 2021

2/16/2021 21:17 – Facebook Post

5:11 pm. E K. Intel from Liberty C Liscomb. T S B. & S P. T.B. & S P. Link T S The Source Being. Sacred Portal. T. S B S P/ B S T… ( 2 19 South Whitney. Tom- ( Twin) P .S. ( Track and Field Liberty was a track and field Star. You can simply cross-reference my codes with the codes on my page with this. Donald Trump. D T… 4 20. “Weed Cannabis” all played […]