

28 Feb 2021

M A S A I/ – I A.M. A.. M. – I Ju

M A S A I/ I A.M. A.. M. I Jumped Higher…? Did I not Beloved Past. A: I. A. M A N. 🙂 10:38 pm.? 10 39. Jay! C.I! Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Feb 2021

9:04 pm. – Rm. 904 Red Rooster

9:04 pm. Rm. 904 Red Rooster Plus Hotel. Asylum Avenue- Bushnell Park. I just took a quick walk to K F C… I hardly ever go there, it’s like Macdonald, an indulgence once in a long pause or while. And in this play of which was based on “Ego Oge’ moved by the Wind and breath of Ancestor of Nature versus Acesteral Naturalness, I was limited, controlled via a way no one in this reality believed possible- despite depictions in […]

28 Feb 2021

2:43 pm. – 2-28-2021. – B 43. – B

2:43 pm. 2-28-2021. B 43. B 28 111 was what I woke up to see on my page. The code is easy to read. B is Being and 43 D-C is Sacred Portal Door of Life. Being MAN- Bella Harmony. 111 is PERFECTION. Hence it reads: Being is the Door of life- Being is Man- in Beautiful Harmony – Being Infinite. Perfection. Sacred portal 111. *I I I,is the code of Perferfection 999 = 27. A-A. 3(9). 9 (3). It […]

26 Feb 2021

9:25 pm. – No, It not me… and

9:25 pm. No, It not me… and yet it is. Sacred Portal 23. W. U U… V V. T.W.O. T V O/T C O… E Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Feb 2021

Sacred portal 5. – @ 900 South

Sacred portal 5. @ 900 South Road. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Feb 2021

4:30 pm. – 2-26-2021. – Everythi

4:30 pm. 2-26-2021. Everything in Existence Creation-life has its representation in Human form. From the Pebble to the Stars, the Universe, the Sand and yes the Earth and the Universe. It is why Humans were created as to become Hue-Mans, all representations of Creation Existnce. And of course, there is the Human representation of the Eternal, the infinite. Unrecognized in this realm until that riddle or frequency is defined, proven into Existence. All things carry a frequency. Humanity was created […]

25 Feb 2021

8:33 pm. – To Exist, your words

8:33 pm. To Exist, your words- your actions must have Awareness-Meaning- Embodied- Knowing. Either through Knowledge of experiencing yourself through Hindsight. Otherwise your just a number- a symbol of something which could have been but never became… therefore Never Was. Memory is not fickle. Only your is. Hindsight-Foresight. H.F. 8 6 Infinite Sixth Sense which stands up. Being is Harmony Facts- viewed here in Balance of Past to Present- how you got here. And in that center porint of H […]

25 Feb 2021

From Dana Hawkins. D H- 4 8 – A

From Dana Hawkins. D H- 4 8 A Perfect Expression of Truth- now proven. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

25 Feb 2021

From Facebook Memories Today. –

From Facebook Memories Today. The Number 22. Jeron Lang is 2 years old today. J L 10 12= 22. V. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

24 Feb 2021

2/24/2021 21:45 – Facebook Post

4:27 pm. 2-24-2021. “In God We Trust” I G. ( John Mack- Anne Mack- Anne McHugh- AM AN-NE- HUES. Sacred Portal 97. “O” W T./ T WO. The number 2 is currently on my page. Liberty C Liscomb has completed the play of the World she represented as the A-B. and now the A-A. Of In God We Trust. And the completion of Sacred Portal Ego Oge- the Africa Story Script of the world. And the evolution of the Africa […]