

07 Apr 2021

* ” This quote is the only way

* ” This quote is the only way out of the Woods of Fear… Ask Heath Woods…and suddenly by being real, we see our true selves beautiful fearless courageous and we wondered why we even tried to be something else (I love being Emeka Kolo) we become fearless brave heroic and suddenly like Heath Woods, you find yourself in paradise. But you can not be a warrior of fear in paradise, you have arrived there is nothing to fight thru […]

07 Apr 2021

“To love somebody is to let th

“To love somebody is to let them be who they are and do what they have to do.” ~Krishna Das Kirtan Wallah – http://goo.gl/jaVzNK Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Apr 2021

Facebook Post..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Apr 2021

M E 25 155 86 2 A. – M E 2 51 5

M E 25 155 86 2 A. M E 2 51 5 58 62 A/ A 26 85 51 55 2 E.M Elon Musk Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Apr 2021

Facebook Post..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Apr 2021

Sacred Portal 50… – The Rage

Sacred Portal 50… The Rage Arise For Justice Holy Griffin Rosemarie Griffin..R.G.. A.E.. RAGE The Bull of E.. is On… (Bull E… Yep… Money Wall Street…) Ze Bullion Emeka Tom E.T EGO OGE… The Raging Bull Bule Boil Billion Bull Lion.. ( Wall Street… Ha).. No more War ( Syria) I am True War… Ares Aries April.. ZEBULON Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Apr 2021

“Man, I believe the big bang t

“Man, I believe the big bang theory is kind of wrong. The physical universe comes from the consciousness of creators like a flower from a seed. All physical reality and our programming stems from true desire in spirit. There are many dimensions and layers of reality that are perceived through each individual’s lenses. We are in the collective consciousness of agreements that define reality.” Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Apr 2021

Yes, In Saqqara The Tomb. – 8:3

Yes, In Saqqara The Tomb. 8:33 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Apr 2021

7:28 pm – Sigh, the proof – From

7:28 pm Sigh, the proof From Sharia Perry. S P MF 8 92 88 007 A 7 29 pm 7 30 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Apr 2021

From David Powers – Original Fa

From David Powers Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here