

08 Apr 2021

The film. – Aligned to Liberty

The film. Aligned to Liberty C Liscomb post about the Victorious People shouting “Get Out to the COVID 19 Police. Get Out the Disease as the Shadow of Death- The Old UWA Story. 11:11 pm. 1 = 4 Ad. Astra. 11:12 pm. Discern Origin and meaning of Intel. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

08 Apr 2021

I just noticed yet again the n

I just noticed yet again the name of the Brand of Cereal Jae Sherman bought. I had found myself looking at her cereal boxes for the last two days, catching myself starring at them and wondering why. Shredded Wheat. But today I noticed that this time there was a box of Kashi “GO” cereal. K G. C Keith Grant… C On its side are the words GO. Rise Play Spark Flow. Fierce. Defy. Love Wander. Shine. G.R.P. S FF. D […]

08 Apr 2021

5:40 pm. – 4-8-20 21. – I began

5:40 pm. 4-8-20 21. I began this post earlier but the internet went off. And I lost everything. 5:42 pm. Story of the World and the Earth The Lie. What can one do? I start again. Just an irritation and perhaps a bug in the system so similar to Enders Game and Ready Player One. That which irritates and bugs you but which is really refining you, but using irritation- pushing your patience when there is no need to refine […]

08 Apr 2021

From Tree Sage ( Kim). – A.H! –

From Tree Sage ( Kim). A.H! 4:12 pm. Ref. Delois Larkin. Delta ( 444) 4:13 pm. D M Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

08 Apr 2021

2:25 pm. – From Tree Sage. ( Ki

2:25 pm. From Tree Sage. ( Kim) T-SOS Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Apr 2021

1-18-2021 Machine Landing- Sof

1-18-2021 Machine Landing- Soft Landing. S.L, Rep of the 4th Dimension milestone in the Univeral Planetarium Simulation, U.P.S. / S.P. U,C. 12:53 a.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Apr 2021

*” Arrival of her Royal Highne

*” Arrival of her Royal Highness, Princess of the line of E.. The Qu. “The Quiet Wows…!” Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Apr 2021

Key Hole K H. – KEY. – K H K. E.Y

Key Hole K H. KEY. K H K. E.Y Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Apr 2021

Here is the structure near Lej

Here is the structure near Lejja found on Google Earth. It may be connected to the large buildings on the right, maybe some sort of agricultural project? It also looks like a face to me. 😉 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Apr 2021

Fused Flora the cat – Original

Fused Flora the cat Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here