

12 Apr 2021

Sacred Portal 7 – Original Face

Sacred Portal 7 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

12 Apr 2021

Sound like any economy you kno

Sound like any economy you know? Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

12 Apr 2021

?? – ~Sebille ~ – Original Facebo

?? ~Sebille ~ Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

12 Apr 2021

Facebook Post..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

11 Apr 2021

9:00 pm – Sacred Portal Uranus

9:00 pm Sacred Portal Uranus 7th Planet. Ti- Violet Purple. Ecstacy of Death EP 7. Tree Sage asked me today about code 140 today, to remind him. N O. 9:02 pm. 92 9 62- 9 64 aligned as one portal who are M Y.E S. P. EDEN. 9:03 pm. 93 I C. 964. 9:04 pm. 94 ID. 9-64. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

11 Apr 2021

5:11 pm. – E K – E A-A. – 4-11-20 2

5:11 pm. E K E A-A. 4-11-20 21. D K.T B A D A-A. T B A. Hello, I have headed this post with Nathaniel T B. I usually do not even get acknowledgment from the representative as the Human Descendants Avatars when I acknowledge them. But over time, I have learned to no longer be pissed off by this- It is their Eternal Selves who I am acknowledging and on rare occasions, the Human Being too if they are […]

11 Apr 2021

3:50 pm. – This the movie I fou

3:50 pm. This the movie I found myself watching after The Irregular Series. There are one then 2 then 3 4 Five main Characters. Isaac. Ryan Masson R M. Sara. Highdee Kaun. H K. Zed Christian Prentice C P. Carl. Don Scribner. D S .. and Greeta. Kylie Contreary. K C. I. S. Zed C G… I. IS the end of the C.G.I… C RM. / M R. HK. / K H. C P. / P C D S. / […]

11 Apr 2021

12:48 pm. – 4-11-20 21. – Hello.

12:48 pm. 4-11-20 21. Hello. I woke up today, carrying with me a quiet boiling rage- I was not sure at first where it came from but it was aligned to the fact that I had still been in the Africa Uwa Story of the Ego Oge play. I realized it, when Nnaemeka I Ezeuffona, was still keeping me waiting for a money play which I had not asked of him, he had offered over a month ago. I already […]

10 Apr 2021

11:24 pm… 11 24 24 1-48. – Fr

11:24 pm… 11 24 24 1-48. From Stephen Johnson. How extraordinary, I have been watching a NetFlix series called “The Irregulars” where the Brother of Sherlock Holmes is called Microsoft Holmes. M H. Manifest Harmony. 11:28 pm right now. And the Literal Age of the Universe- he plays the Devil in the secret society “Golden Dawn” Zoraster. Zarathustra means “Eternal Hero of The Golden Dawn” He was Persian. Fredrick Nietzsche based his book “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” 1883, on him. Oh […]

10 Apr 2021

8:57 pm. – Original Facebook Po

8:57 pm. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here