

12 Apr 2021

its a great picture and he has

its a great picture and he has a great smile. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

12 Apr 2021

3:50 pm. – 3 5O. – 3 56. – C: E F. –

3:50 pm. 3 5O. 3 56. C: E F. 4-12-20 21. 4 12= 16… 48. total 64. 20 20 = 1. 20- 1 21=3 C I posted the relevant Facebook Memories today, there were few, for the first time in a while, the sequential order arranged by Facebook’s algorithm was no longer arranged which is sequential, telling the story and the news. Fibonacci Sequence. Golden Ratio. There were only three relevant posts. Noni Promise, The Pendulum.. but the most relevant […]

12 Apr 2021

Sacred Portal 31… – Epsilon..

Sacred Portal 31… Epsilon… Ebony Queen..E.Q.. Queen Ruth Swedish Queen of the Valykries..twin of Thor,, the portal through the Large Intestine- Tunnel of Love.. The Great Serpent.. Ruth Odom.. T-Ruth O-Dome Cielo.. Vahalla O’Halloran… E and David Nnamdi Stephan… The one and His Three.. And his two Queens Q of Qunitessential transformation…Magical and by Ease.. Resurrection Erection Building Erecting R.E.B.E..L…. Epsilon True Clarity.. T.C..Epsilon.. Sacred Portal 20.. Lady Echo and Harmony only respond to the T.R.U.T.H..E.. Gravity and Lightness.. And […]

12 Apr 2021

“: Arrival of Noni-Promise… –

“: Arrival of Noni-Promise… Tree of Life, Shelter of Life. Teacher of Life Lessons Weaver Web. 4th Principle of Existence Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

12 Apr 2021

” Arrival of the Spy Queen- No

” Arrival of the Spy Queen- Noni Naomi…Queen of the Edge.” Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

12 Apr 2021

“Love letter From Father Fah M

“Love letter From Father Fah Mot.” Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

12 Apr 2021

The Watchers; – “: The Royal In

The Watchers; “: The Royal Invisible Energetic Council of lord E.” Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

12 Apr 2021

“Arrival of Lord Good night…

“Arrival of Lord Good night…” Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

12 Apr 2021

“: Passing through the I of th

“: Passing through the I of the Needle.” April 12, 2013 ยท Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

12 Apr 2021

“Just goes to show that there

“Just goes to show that there really is a sacred order in the Universe and that the greatest power is the Air, the Wind and Energy… A.W.E..” From Billy H. 3:43 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here