

14 Apr 2021

4:45 pm – D: D.E. – The Planet E

4:45 pm D: D.E. The Planet Earth is 4.5 billion years old. 4-14-20 21. D N.T U=Universe. Milky Way MW 69 is 13.8 Billion years old, and my second 1556 Facebook Friend is Mickey Honea. M= 13. H= 8. 8 = Infinity Standing Up. I S. U. The Gap between Time … * 4:50 pm now, as I type. 13.8 -4.5.= 9.3 Billion Years. 9 3 is I C in letters. I have been Identified through this Script as I […]

14 Apr 2021

From Mickey Honea M H. – 9 19-1

From Mickey Honea M H. 9 19-1977. I S S.-G-G. 4:43 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

14 Apr 2021

From Michael Honea M H. – All a

From Michael Honea M H. All about the Money Honey. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Apr 2021

*” Respect and Cleansing…rit

*” Respect and Cleansing…ritual.” Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Apr 2021

*” Adam and Eve as one in the

*” Adam and Eve as one in the beginning of the first creation story.” Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Apr 2021

*”: The Evolution of the Flowe

*”: The Evolution of the Flower of Evolved life – Joy and Celebration.” Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Apr 2021

*”Lady La H Crane on point- Pe

*”Lady La H Crane on point- Perfect Timing, paying Hommage and Respect. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Apr 2021

*” The God Spell According to

*” The God Spell According to Luke- first light is Look.” Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Apr 2021

*”The Royal twins Ahtom and in

*”The Royal twins Ahtom and in ascension Energy E.” Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Apr 2021

*” De-Evolution Defeat… the

*” De-Evolution Defeat… the Return of the Evil in Humanity to where none can return from- I. E Version” Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here