

18 Apr 2021

2:45 pm. – @ 15 45 Facebook Fri

2:45 pm. @ 15 45 Facebook Friends. 15= Letter O. 1 545 is 1 O Full Circle- Origin and Mirror Reflection aligned to the Full Circle as One. 4-18-20 21. D R T.U.B A. Based on the play with Tree Sage Kim and the Apology play and my response at 1.33 pm which spells Extinction and the movie I watched yesterday which I was too lazy to share… let me check… Yes, Peter Dinklage and Elle Fanning. in “I Think […]

18 Apr 2021

2:23 pm From Kamora Herrington

2:23 pm From Kamora Herrington Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Apr 2021

1:02 am. – A O B . – A.F B – J B. –

1:02 am. A O B . A.F B J B. I insist… on Release. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Apr 2021

Sacred Portal 46. @ 15 46 Face

Sacred Portal 46. @ 15 46 Facebook Friends. 12:56 pm. Ah! done. PS he is male. 12:57 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Apr 2021

8:54 pm. – And so we conclude,

8:54 pm. And so we conclude, by using the blueprint of the present social and culture – ways and laws invisible and visible which you yourselves abide by. If, someone- a group, a collective falsely accused you- believed in you ( instead of themselves) and relied on you ( instead of themselves) and then stop believing in the Beautiful Truth which they sacrificed that person without even telling him or her, and then the person faces that everyone abandons him, […]

17 Apr 2021

And here as in the book, it is

And here as in the book, it is two men. What played out on Facebook was Two Men. 7:53 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Apr 2021

The Fim shows Two Girls E S – S

The Fim shows Two Girls E S Stephen Johnson. E S -Fathers Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Apr 2021

*”King David Erek C. ON. Vikin

*”King David Erek C. ON. Viking Lord.” Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Apr 2021

Never will this be done to I a

Never will this be done to I and I ever again. 7:21 pm the day I left 900 South Road Crucified. *: “Hold Strong…Hold on!” Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Apr 2021

Crossing- going home to I alon

Crossing- going home to I alone Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here