

25 Apr 2021

6:03 pm – Original Facebook Pos

6:03 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

25 Apr 2021

3:08 pm. – 38. – 4-25-20 21. – @ 1

3:08 pm. 38. 4-25-20 21. @ 15 38 Facebook Friends. 15 is O. ( and A.E) 38 is C H/ Harford Connecticut. Consciousness Harmony. O C H thus is Full Circle in Perfect Symmetry the entire Universe aka Universal Simulation Awareness- and Planet Earth Peoples in Consciousness Harmony. A.KA. Consciousness Infinity. C I. @2:25 pm I saw that I had messages from Kamora and Liberty and Gene-vie-ve. I had gone straight to Liberty’s message and she had sent me, the […]

25 Apr 2021

I just had to post this. – Beca

I just had to post this. Because of the time frame. The Movie is 1 49. 17 mins Long. Sacred Portal 149 ( 19) is Alien Father. Sacred Portal 147 ( A & B) both have the numbers 17. Arden is 17 years old. 17 A G and Q. E Q. Intel Jae Sherman. J S/ S J Stephen Johnson S = 19. 12:33 a.m. 33 code / 150 Code Liberty C Liscomb Alicia Norris done. 12:34 a,m Original Facebook […]

24 Apr 2021

You see what I do not understa

You see what I do not understand about this is that it is classified under Horror- yet the two, three times Jae Sherman recounted it, and the scenes of the conversation with W S and the Alien, the scene from the book she recounted each time and expanded upon today was of the Alien telling the Author of the truth being so Beautiful that the human mind could not take in such Beauty and that it could not be put […]

24 Apr 2021

Jae is watching this right now

Jae is watching this right now which I am about to watch. Kim Tree Sage has been alert on Facebook and up to date with the intel. So for the first time, all 3 of us are on the same page. Christopher Walken… C W. The book was written in 1987. That was the years I met Adoala- Mary Jane / John Mack and Prince Chidi Ekikeme. 1989 was the years I began The Journals Talking To The Silence.. *Communion […]

24 Apr 2021

Intel from Jae Sherman. – W.S H

Intel from Jae Sherman. W.S He wrote a series of books called the ‘Communion Series” ( UK Eucharist My mother’s sister’s name who lives with her husband and family in New York State 11th State” Uche. ( Uche means “Thought and Reflection” E U. or Nathaniel E N… U N- It actually means Holy Communion: “Holy Gathering” Harmonious Convergence H C 83/ 38: Jeron Satya S Lang- His name means “He Sings- Holy Sacred .. Lang-U.AGE.Sataya means *”In the Vedas […]

24 Apr 2021

Via Kamora Herrington K CC. – 8

Via Kamora Herrington K CC. 8:22 pm. H V. I V. I E. Cornelius Jay. C J… Link Charlene Jonston. And / J C – Jay Cee. and Jesus Christ, Cornelius means * Cornelius as a boy’s name is pronounced kor-NEEL-yus. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Cornelius is “horn”… Lena Horne. The Horn of Africa. Blue Gas. Cymlinder. Jay means “Swift Victory… and JOY… ” Jesus Osiris Yeshuah- Mohammad Y E S. J O Y M […]

24 Apr 2021

8:12 pm. – P S Happy Birthdays

8:12 pm. P S Happy Birthdays to Cynthia Eze turned 29. C E. Richard Kalama. R K Turned 33. And to John Kemakolam J K.who turned 27. C E ( 3 5) 29. B I… ATE 001. R K ( 18 11) 33. C C J K ( 10 11) 27 A-A. 8:16 pm. H P/ P H Poverty Hollow – Perfect Harmony. P.I. 8:17 pm. H Q Head Quarters. RD Quarters. Pandora Quartz. 8:18 pm. H R. H A […]

24 Apr 2021

Charlie’s Angels. – C A. – Connect

Charlie’s Angels. C A. Connecticut – Arkansas Connected Linked to Florida the 27th State via West Virginia the 35th State. The play Tree Sage sending me the Time Code 3:4 6:12 pm F L – Arden – Florida the 27th State. Sunshine State. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Arden his play was perfect via the Cannabis Weed- Magic Mushrooms Play. Recall that his God Mother is Charlene Johnson who was great close friends since childhood youth with Liberty who […]

24 Apr 2021

From Pamela Stephanotis. – P S.

From Pamela Stephanotis. P S. Link Sharia Perry. S P./ P S. The True Original Story and the Carbon Copy. E K E K H E K H. Kamora Herrington Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here