

22 Apr 2022

7:39 pm. – G.C.I. – 4-22-2022. –

7:39 pm. G.C.I. 4-22-2022. D-V-T.V. D-A-T-A. D.V.8. Dance Group. D-V-Ti! Vie. 1544 Right 1544 C-Town, Left. Hello, I asked Alicia Norris and as I had expected with her 8 Mutual Facebook Friends she her response was in Perfect Harmony – her notification just appeared on my page as I wrote the words Harmony. A N. So there was only one person left to align to Harmony which is the one right here present Kim Arthur Hinds Jr I had, we […]

22 Apr 2022

11:57 p.m. – 4-2211–2022 – Hell

11:57 p.m. 4-2211–2022 Hello, I am kind of “out for the count” I was contemplating Destiny and Fate. ” A Date with Destiny.” I never really believed in such ideas but most cultures in this world have a name for it. I seemed to have spent most of my Life fighting such Ideas and yet found myself inextricably entwined in it hreads, Fils. Are we all in some way or the other, “Fated” or “Destined”. By an expression of our […]

21 Apr 2022

Sacred Portal 27 – Original Fac

Sacred Portal 27 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Apr 2022

Sacred Portal 26 – Original Fac

Sacred Portal 26 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Apr 2022

Sacred Portal 33.. – “And so di

Sacred Portal 33.. “And so did D come to E to Awaken him from the most Terrible Dream..” D is the Past of E… His code Name is Spectrum.. D.S.. D is David… David is in the Last Bed in Room 5A.. Bed 5-014… See sacred Portal 14 to 5… And 5 O to 14… Evolution of Consciousness… D is also Those Combined Feelings Sensational…Which returned to him… Fractaling As Emeka Eze…FA..EE…5O+14…64? F.D.. Fifth Dimension… 5+14..is actually 19..S… then 64.. […]

21 Apr 2022

They will betray their friends

They will betray their friends… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Apr 2022

Sacred Portal 21 – 4-21-2022 – O

Sacred Portal 21 4-21-2022 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Apr 2022

Facebook Post..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Apr 2022

4:48 pm – 4-21-2022. – Hello, – A

4:48 pm 4-21-2022. Hello, As most have been made aware of it through my last posts. That today is Queen Elizabeth Birthday. And all night and till right now my body feels as if it is under a full scale attack. Last night a scene took place at 2.10 am precisely. It signalled me the completion of the play with Queen Elizabeth ( Q.E) versus E.Q. E Quantum And Queen aligned to Freedie Mercury F.M Frances Martha Marina Frances 19. […]

21 Apr 2022

12:39 pm – From Joseph Taylor J

12:39 pm From Joseph Taylor J Y. Stephen Johnson this was the image I was talking about. The one you sent and I posted was more a reflection of you and E Nnamdi Supreme. Suave. And Smiling Death as Halloween. Link connect your play and mine ( his) With Alicia Norris E Dakota Tahoma 12:42 am. Thus Script has to finish wow… And let my body in peace 12:43 am. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here