

26 Apr 2021

“The huge waves of unsettledne

“The huge waves of unsettledness you are feeling are pulses of energy from a new world. These pulses are adapting you to a new influx of energy. They are fine tuning your divine vessel. Soon these energy pulses will cease and will be no longer needed. At this time, you will be like Zen masters. Only then, it will be impossible for any disjointed or fragmented energy be able to unhinge or unbalance you in any way. This is our […]

26 Apr 2021

The winds of grace are always

The winds of grace are always blowing ~ it is for us to raise our sails ~ Ramakrishna ~ Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Apr 2021

Star E is a male youth. – Capta

Star E is a male youth. Captain A.M E R- I C- A. I Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Apr 2021

S P ECHO I. – Original Facebook

S P ECHO I. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Apr 2021

Facebook Post..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Apr 2021

Sacred Portal 85. – Original Fa

Sacred Portal 85. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Apr 2021

19 99 New York E & J. – 11:35 p

19 99 New York E & J. 11:35 pm. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Apr 2021

11:33 pm – Original Facebook Po

11:33 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Apr 2021

11:31 pm – Do it Now… It’s ab

11:31 pm Do it Now… It’s about “Fucking” Time- Can take any more of this Shit playing Nursemaid Teacher to the Victim Mentality used as an excuse… Lazy Fucks… Cut them out now! 11:32 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Apr 2021

Festival of Paylasmak. 1999. – A

Festival of Paylasmak. 1999. A.K.A Festival of Sharing. 5:02 pm. E:OB: (56 2) E:F.B: 4-26-20 21. D- Z. T.U B.A. D-B F.T U B A. Transparent Universe Beauty Awake. FT Feat Feet Tu “Informal You in French” Beautiful Awakening” *”a large brass wind instrument of bass pitch, with three to six valves and a broad bell typically facing upward.” It was the instrument my First Cousin, Charles Tochukwu Umeano ( C T U) played in Junior High. He was born […]