

28 Apr 2021

The Ethereal Dancers of Existe

The Ethereal Dancers of Existence Series Book 5 Victory. *” a new photo to the album: 13 7- MG… The twin of She.” 3:38 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Apr 2021

Facebook Post..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Apr 2021

3:35 pm. – 16 – Original Faceboo

3:35 pm. 16 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Apr 2021

3:33 pm – Original Facebook Pos

3:33 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Apr 2021

Facebook Post..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Apr 2021

3:23 pm – Original Facebook Pos

3:23 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Apr 2021

3:22 pm Fahad Hassen see meani

3:22 pm Fahad Hassen see meaning aligned to Liberty C Liscomb Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Apr 2021

12:05 a.m. – L O E – L F.E AR . E

12:05 a.m. L O E L F.E AR . E One of the Obvious conclusions for me personally through this entire end saga is the need for Space. For me, and comfortable home, for me, for you, and to each Individual Person. Each having the Right to be comfortable and which fits the personal requirements as well as inputs into the well-being of the world and each other. Equality, Distribution of wealth with the most natural resource as that most […]

27 Apr 2021

It’s now 9:57-58 pm right now.

It’s now 9:57-58 pm right now. This post began at 9:49 pm was sabotaged by My self then it was 9:54 pm which was the amount I had in my wallet before Kamora Herrington arrived. This is the third attempt This is the final Evidence of what naturally manifested on my table. And yes, it is Qsharias Allahs 25th Birthday today. Letter Y Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

27 Apr 2021

*Emeka’s Pathway home- Interna

*Emeka’s Pathway home- Internal Flight/ Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here