

01 Jul 2021

What Happens when two Illusion

What Happens when two Illusions Betray, It-Self as the Lie and Deceiver? Time and Truth. 8:39 pm. H C.I. 8 USD in my wallet 8 pm 11 28 39 = C I. When the Numbers Lie? The Computer as representing the Universal Simulation Lies? You recognize that you are Universal Simulation- Its true interface and that this 8:45 pm. Completed yesterday. 16 45 Facebook friends. 16 44 is 8. 16 8. 16 8= 24. Laura Walsh code 65 sent me […]

01 Jul 2021

From Mainville Bellefeuille. – M

From Mainville Bellefeuille. M B. 3-25-1989. C-Y-S.H I. C Y A I H.I. C- E.B-AI -H.I. Its is interesting is it not, that I woke up to 1644 Facebook Friends and have added Mainville Bellefeuille and I am still at 16 44 Facebook Friends. Meaning that the Facebook Interface was lying, or the moment I accepted a Facebook Request, that someone left and I was really at 1643 Facebook Friends. There is another Facebook request from Micheal Trahe who has […]

01 Jul 2021

From Laura Walsh. – Perfect Ref

From Laura Walsh. Perfect Reflection and Mirror. M R E Kim Arthur Hinds Jr Laura Walsh. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

30 Jun 2021

8:40 pm. – So here I am left wi

8:40 pm. So here I am left with 8 USD. Smh. From the 10 USD, I had earlier. There was an entire play of Harmony Nature, to and from 1544 C-Town. Then Rain. I got soaked at the Tail End, but it felt good after the heat, and when I came back to change “Pause” I looked in the mirror, though torso twisted and deformed, it has begun to correct itself by my squeezing my core, pelvis section and my […]

30 Jun 2021

4:39 pm. – D:C.I. – 6-30-2020- 1 –

4:39 pm. D:C.I. 6-30-2020- 1 F-CO-2020 Vision play complete. I too was part of the Enders Game Play. Game Plan. Yes, I was used to uncover the True Beautiful Script. We see we have Two- Three-star Players in at the end. Kim Arthur Hinds Jr Laura Walsh and the rep of the new and original Blueprint, in The Play in the play of East Meets West is Liberty C Liscomb. And the portal representing the End Challenger is Stephen Johnson. […]

30 Jun 2021

From Justice Ebeujo. – DOG/ – GOD

From Justice Ebeujo. DOG/ GOD… Ever wonder why in the English Language they chose this word for DOG ( WOLF- First Ancestor) GOD ( FLOW- Particle Wave). That is how the blueprint of existence works even when you who named them aren’t even aware. And yes, I am born the Day of the Wolf. I am Justice Ebeujp’s 1764th Facebook Friend. 1, 76 4. 17 64 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

29 Jun 2021

22:05 hours – V O E .. – Tree Sa

22:05 hours V O E .. Tree Sage Benjamin C. Krajewski Stephen Johnson Etc… There are no words to describe the Fury and Hatred which rose in me, from the Hells Kitchen to the Deck today. Jason Williams share “A Gathering of Dragons” ( G O D.. ) made it understandable I had noted to metal containers left outside But still it has been with with me but today I found myself being compelled- pulled to tender these two vessels. […]

29 Jun 2021

A Brief understanding of how t

A Brief understanding of how to read the Play Script. Since I have nothing better to do right now, I am taking my cue from this Script. 3:16 pm C P. C A F … E. Jae Sherman shared with me her dark green bricks of coffee Cafe Lallave. C.L. L.C L. *A variant of the Spanish word “Llave” which means (a) something to open a lock or a key (b) device that controls the flow of something (c) move […]

28 Jun 2021

Facebook Post..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

27 Jun 2021

Facebook Post..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here