

13 Jul 2021

3:11 pm – C.K. Clark Kent. Supe

3:11 pm C.K. Clark Kent. Super Man. Chukwuemeka Kolo. C.A-A. 7-13-2020-1. 21. G-M… Yes, the Two boys who moved to my left-right at the Fair I attended with Liberty, Leander, and Jeron. I do not think that there was anyone truly aware or who took seriously the scope of Evil in this world that I was dealing with apart from Liberty C Liscomb. It’s true I knew it was not real, but it was serious and real right here. I […]

12 Jul 2021

11:35 pm – It’s true, I am spee

11:35 pm It’s true, I am speechless by the Absolute Disrespect of the Script. But it is all cleaned up now, and the Intention has been made very clear. I have kept the Attention and Focus on the Seriousness and Implications of these Revelations for 29 years. Devotion for 20.3 years. 9.5 9.6 and now to 9.7. Devoted my life and was made to sacrifice everything for it. Delays, Prolonged and still I showed it Respect despite loathing it, despising […]

12 Jul 2021

5:58 pm. – I have a new Faceboo

5:58 pm. I have a new Facebook Friend. Jack Aiden. It brings me- us, to 16 64 Facebook Friends. Yes, P.F.D. A F F D. Perfection @ 64th Move. Jae Sherman removed the Toilet Rolls she bought and left the ones I bought Scotties. In the bathroom. S.M.H. This is what I have to contend with… Pettiness while solving the last of the Equation of Evolution Awakening. I guess she read my post. T R. 6:04 pm. T R U […]

12 Jul 2021

From Jack Aiden. – World War II

From Jack Aiden. World War II Jay-Gift to him from me 1996 Brown Bombers world war II Jacket. V 1945. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

11 Jul 2021

9:07 pm. – I spent the last few

9:07 pm. I spent the last few hours writing a post called To The Silence. T.T S= 49. It was yes, a lot of data about the First Dawn Awakening. Yes, Liberty’s last intel about Azure. 6:40 – 6:41 pm. I also went to C-Town again and found I did not bring my wallet so I only had 10.00 USD on me, I spent after Negating, Taking away from 28. USD+ that I was left paid. 9.85 USD. All of […]

10 Jul 2021

Yes…My Memories – Flowers – Nil

Yes…My Memories Flowers Nil Feitosa Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 Jul 2021

From Nil Feitosa. – Original Fa

From Nil Feitosa. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 Jul 2021

7:50 pm – Nil Fieitosa liked th

7:50 pm Nil Fieitosa liked this. Its an old Facebook Memory. Do you know what “Nil” means in the English Language? “Zero”. “That which is Not’ And Feitosa? *”The name appears in the Netherlands as Feitama ,and in Germany as, Feitsma, the latter also being the holder of a Coat of Arms, whilst the meaning changes to ‘The Warden’ or ‘Housekeeper’.” Zero says the Warden That which is Not, Housekeeping” Environment Natures Expression F E *”SP 65″. IT 9-20 “OS” […]

10 Jul 2021

7:04 pm. – G0D. – G O D – 7:05 pm

7:04 pm. G0D. G O D 7:05 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 Jul 2021

6:17 p.m – Fact Quantum.. – Not t

6:17 p.m Fact Quantum.. Not the Queens as Tree Sage gave evidence in his post today of conflict with Queen today) This of course is Captain America Thor.. C A T. Thor Lopez T L. 2012. 32. 5. E C A T. E.. It aligns to E J M. E J.M. John Mack Jesse Macias Awareness and Naturalness And H. S. T S. To Tree Sage The Script Of the Over Soul K.A.H. BA.. Haw.. And the line of V […]