

04 Aug 2021

3:41 pm. – C:D.A – From Riba Vil

3:41 pm. C:D.A From Riba Villegasos. R.V. Yes, of recent many of my most recent Facebook Friends are aligned to sex- Sacred Portal 51 Sex God of Creation. I am Riba’s 55 Facebook friend and a play just as a play completed with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr it involved once again the E family invaded my Mind Being, Yesterday it was Liberty but it was outside of my year- a whisper of her name and then I went to Facebook […]

04 Aug 2021

M S J./ J S M. – 2:17 pm. – 6-28

M S J./ J S M. 2:17 pm. 6-28-1995. F BH-AI-I.E. F-BH-S.I E. 6-28-95. F-B.HI.E. 2:19 am B S. B.A.I. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

04 Aug 2021

M L. – 8-3-2000. – H C T O C – I

M L. 8-3-2000. H C T O C I C T B FFF= ( 18 Age code) BF BF. B.I. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

04 Aug 2021

2:09 am. – 29. – *”The Original L

2:09 am. 29. *”The Original Light and the Original K-Night bow to the Eternal Da” 2:10 a.m. B J.s code 35. C E Actual code 39. 2:11 am. B K. B A-A. C I Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Aug 2021

From Masir Asuquo. M.A. – Origi

From Masir Asuquo. M.A. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Aug 2021

6:04 pm. – 64. – F D. Fifth Dimens

6:04 pm. 64. F D. Fifth Dimension. 66 4. The Door Number on Kim Arthur Hinds Jr room door. 8-3-2020-1. 2021=41= 5. Hartford and Harwington Connecticut. A-E. So much about this End Game is about what Liberty and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr represent in the play. From Human Children to Hueman Children Grown Up, to Masculine Feminine. Feminine Masculine and now to Mother Father- Father-Mother. E-MF. F-M.E. Mother of Destruction MOD. / DOM. Death And Devastation DAD. 6:11 pm F […]

03 Aug 2021

From Jan Karley J K – 12-25-200

From Jan Karley J K 12-25-2004. 12-25-24. L-Y-T.OD. The DOT was Y.Chromosome.AB.L . “A Stort of A-Awareness-Awakening Alexander- Arden Brings Light/ Light Bringer. L-“A-B”-Y. “B.E” X-EMF. B.D ( Being is Doing on the EM,Field, I am JK’s 132 Facebook Friend Please see sacred portals 132 A and B. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Aug 2021

From Lena Heidi L H. – 12 8= 20

From Lena Heidi L H. 12 8= 20- 96= 116. Sacred Portal 116. A G and E K. AE -G K. 5-1, 7-11. 5:30 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Aug 2021

From Võ Thanh Phi – V.T.P. – /T V

From Võ Thanh Phi V.T.P. /T V P. Do you recall the intel from Liberty concerning Arden and Ferrill visiting together T.V? And Mission Impossible 7. rescheduled release now 5-27-2022. T V is 20 22. 7 is the note of Ti Violet- Te! Purple. The Internet account of Liberty’s Home is Purple Flower. Chicken Egg C E. Cosmic Egg C E. See Sacred Portal 116. Opened up by Arden Gemino. 116 and 117. Then myself three times in a row. […]

03 Aug 2021

From Quincy Richards. – Q R. 17

From Quincy Richards. Q R. 1718. 2:07 a.m 27 267 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here