

23 Oct 2021

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23 Oct 2021

6:20 pm. – F.T. – Constance Gert

6:20 pm. F.T. Constance Gertrude C.G. Ndubuisi Chidera N.C Neve Rees N.R. Peter Igwe Kalu P.I.K. Betty Ann B.A. C.G. N.C. N.R. P.I.K B.A. C.G N.C. N.R. P.I.K- B.A. C.N.N. P. B. / B.P. N .N.C I. G.C.R.K.A. / A.K. R.C.G. 6:33 pm. I have been watching “American Horror Show” How apt. A.H.S./ S.H.A. A.I.S H,A! What I realized as I watched, was not the usual Horrors of the grotesque and Morbid, was the actual horror of people and their […]

22 Oct 2021

Ute Lotz – Alyssa Lucinda – Hunt

Ute Lotz Alyssa Lucinda Hunter Espinoza Jade Charli. 8:29 pm. Kim Arthur Hinds Jr was here with Obi Etuka K.O. J.E./ H.E. Then I went to C.Town yet again and spent 34.13 USD, all the while I was contemplating Nnmadi- Evolved from his past to as Azure, Liberty C sixth child and 5th son, her second son with Thomas Lang. Liberty had sent it at 2:01 pm. 21. U. Universe. I was pissed off of course, he just had to […]

21 Oct 2021

11:00 pm – At first, I had no i

11:00 pm At first, I had no idea why I was watching this. In this reality of adults, I felt everyone missing the point with Orson Wells 1984 Big Brother. But as I watched this seeming comedy my, grinning face grew frozen- two days ago I attempted watching the movie Freedom Writers- but I just couldn’t find any interest and turned it off. Today I found myself watching- this, now that I know the Rocket Ship rep by Kim Arthur […]

20 Oct 2021

Ulrike Rosenstock U.R – Lola Fa

Ulrike Rosenstock U.R Lola Fabiolaa L.F. Lotte Heuser L.H. U.R L.F. F.L-L.F. L.H. 6:35 pm. Just to be clear, you do realize that I am talking to you from outside the Universal Simulation Awareness- Awakening- Autumn Matrix M-A.T IX=(9) Machine- T.I. M.E. Meaning that I am talking to you from outside of your World Reality and have been recognizing each one of you to the 64th Portal, but from within a Play Game. Poetic Justice and Jules Palmer J.P 6:40 […]

19 Oct 2021

10:17 pm, – J.Q. – Back from the

10:17 pm, J.Q. Back from the Past 1996 Full Circle and back to the Present 1995 1 66 5. 5 Years Kim Arthur Hinds Jr spent in the Military. 12-21- 2001. He has been at 900 South Road working with Liberty C who had 3 C until her parents who could not decide which C middle name, simply chose to call her middle Name C. My mother was called by everyone who knew her C or Sister C. I want […]

19 Oct 2021

8:14 pm. – H-N. Harmony Nature=

8:14 pm. H-N. Harmony Nature= Harmony Naturalism. Ref; Haris Babic and his Mother N. and or versus Harmony Nnamdi. That Nnamdi refers to Nnamdi as my younger brother, who was once part of me, but once born, he had his own I.D and sense of Self. From the moment he was born to the moment I last saw him age 12.8 ( L.H/ H.L) and Age 13 when he left at M=13. But the last time I saw him alive, […]

18 Oct 2021

A Quick Re-Cap on the Play and

A Quick Re-Cap on the Play and Court Proceeding “Geoff LaCour” Chineke “the Expression-Energy Inside which creates as it moves along Ijeamaca” That I was unjustly imprisoned in Non Existence (See Captain Zod Superman) For telling the Truth of my I D And of my Existence And False Accusations And those and that which Usurped my Authorship Existence Source Of Being Light Of Everything and Everyone. My Chi put me on Trial To prove my Innocence Which turned out to […]

18 Oct 2021

6:49 pm. – Ah, I was wondering

6:49 pm. Ah, I was wondering about that. Now at 1994 Facebook Friends. L.IS CO.M.B. L IS T.E.N. E.D. Liberty C Listened. 1664= 17 Q. I.Q. Purple Flower. 1,9 94.=23 W. VV. Mother and Son. M A S/ S A M. E. but not S A M. I -S.A.M.E-I. 6:53 pm. Do you not notice how I keep pausing at 53? E.C? I did as if I have been programmed by my I as in I & I. W=23. Double […]

18 Oct 2021

5:07 pm. – Achenk Juanda. A.J. –

5:07 pm. Achenk Juanda. A.J. Alisa Shorter. A.S Evangelist Chidex, E.C. 5:11 pm Now it is 5:23 pm. I asked Liberty C at C.H/ H.C to send a code of Earth Heart- 25O. A.F.K.G. Now that the play code of 4-7-85 / 58 aligned to Thomas Lang and Aurelia Leander-Gemino is complete with Ferrill/Ferrell Gemino is done. 5:26 pm 5:27 pm. *”67/ 76. 13 13 1 26-8. Now at 1995 Facebook Friends- do you recall my saying that I would […]