

23 Nov 2021

Sacred Portal 115 – Chi..NNa…

Sacred Portal 115 Chi..NNa…K.E..E.K ME..A mission which had nothing to do with I.E.. I can read… but where I was sacrificed for all of thee, the Many and this is the response I received..,..Loki Fenrir rise and Honor my Victory and our Victory and and respond to the Cruelty of P.E…I.A Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

22 Nov 2021

2:53 pm. – Being E.C. Kolo. – 2,

2:53 pm. Being E.C. Kolo. 2,745 Facebook Friends. 2745. =18. or 9&9 as I & I= Two I as One. 27 +45= 72. The Earth is 45 Billion years old according to your Blue Print of This MW Cosmos. B.745. Being 74 E. Being G.D.E. G “O”D.E. G- ODE. 2:58 a.m. Christina Nevins C.N. Cecilia – Nnamdi. C.N. 3.14. Add E. K. N E C.K Yes, my Neck, as if for the last two Decades something hs been trying to […]

21 Nov 2021

8:16 pm. – H.P. – I.P. – Jae Sherma

8:16 pm. H.P. I.P. Jae Sherman gave me a card, signed with her three cat’s names and hers, for taking care of the Ever Source Electric Bill. 127.94 U.S.D. Paid 100 leaving 27.94 USD for Her and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr. And I added 60. U.S.D. for the Internet in her name. I was not actually meant to do so, All is the Fifth Dimension now, proven and confirmed before you all, and I paid all the Costs, the Price, […]

21 Nov 2021

3:17 a.m. – There we go. – I am

3:17 a.m. There we go. I am now at 2728 Facebook Friends, that is where we had to go from 2726 Facebook Friends. At C-Q. C-A.G. V. Houser Jean 8.10. H.J. Rosaria Susan 18-19. R.S. /108 Sacred Portal. 108 Flower of Life- E-version 19 S/P 16.- 35=8. H.J. R,S Somewhere over the Rainbow- Spectrum. 18 19 -37-10.J. H.J. R.S. H.J. R. S. H.R. J.S Human Race J.S. 8 18= 26. J.S= 29. 26 Z. 29 A-C, 29/ 62. 26 26 […]

20 Nov 2021

Ah… I just lost a post that

Ah… I just lost a post that started at 4:02 pm, and now it is 6:42 pm. 6:43 pm. 11-20-21-3-5-11 A.T.C-E.K. Hello. Well it was an informative post, but obviously not meant for you, or to be shared, since I am not going to write it or post it again. And since it dealt with the Super Computer, some call Universal Mind, but which I call Music- broken down, then I was Talking with my Brother Self. B.S. Beloved Twin. […]

18 Nov 2021

6:42 pm – So what is the meanin

6:42 pm So what is the meaning of Existence? 6:43 pm. What is the Meaning of Life? It has to start with what is become the Meaning of Your Existence, Your, life, first. What does it read? What has it become, at this moment in Time? Is it survival, preservation, feeling Safe? I have told you my story, The Story of my memories/ I have pointed out how I am the True Real Solid Elon Musk. And that this is […]

18 Nov 2021

12:12 am – S.P 9.00/ – I. – Origi

12:12 am S.P 9.00/ I. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Nov 2021

Praise and Offering from Atlan

Praise and Offering from Atlantis The Blue Seers within the Depth of the Blue Black See depths Death from within Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Nov 2021

Facebook Post..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Nov 2021

From Amelie Haven. A.H. – 5:53

From Amelie Haven. A.H. 5:53 pm. I “accidentally” deleted her Facebook Request. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here