

07 Jan 2022

Blue eyes, Blondes, Red Haired

Blue eyes, Blondes, Red Haired….. Africa got them all. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Jan 2022

Collective Evolution – Original

Collective Evolution Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Jan 2022

Message from Saint Germain, Ja

Message from Saint Germain, January 5, 2016 Hello, dear Ones ~ Today I want to dictate to you a message on behalf of all of the Ascended Masters. We congratulate you with Happy New Year. You should know that this is an unusual year. It will draw some sort of a time border that separates the old world from the new one. And now the old world begins to crumble before your eyes, and do not notice it can only […]

07 Jan 2022

12:21 a.m – Original Facebook P

12:21 a.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Jan 2022

“sun halo” or “sun dog” over a

“sun halo” or “sun dog” over austin the sun dog signifies to some ancient cultures that a significant and dramatic change is occurring or about to occur. in some native american traditions a sun halo is called a whirling rainbow or a sun dog. this photograph captured by me yesterday moving over austin’s skyline was the most complete sun dog I’ve ever seen, it’s not photoshopped and a full spectrum 10 colors. “There will come a day when people of […]

07 Jan 2022

From Laura Walsh. – As always,

From Laura Walsh. As always, on the same frequency. I watched a film yesterday called the Iris Warriors, I.W. “A dance film like no other, Iris Warriors tells the mythical story of the birth of colour, fusing ballet with dazzling costumes, inspired makeup, innovative special effects and original music. This spectacle of colour, light and action will enthrall audiences of all ages.” A version of the story of Color. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

06 Jan 2022

10:59 p.m. – I just got back fr

10:59 p.m. I just got back from a much-needed shower, and the 527 Amigo Market Bodega, and spent 18:25 USD, obviously Arden, Arden Fred- Knox Alexander to Awareness- Eternal Energy. 18. A.F.K.G.= 25. You do recall my saying that I was cast as the son in my father’s play, who was actually the full circle, passed, and of the past to inception when he and I first rose as One Two. 11:04 pm. 11- 6.4. 11-10. A-A. J. A.A.A.O-F. Alien […]

05 Jan 2022

9:00 pm – Original Facebook Pos

9:00 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

05 Jan 2022

From Kasper Serup. – Love this

From Kasper Serup. Love this pic…lets add it to the woven Tapestry. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

05 Jan 2022

Facebook Post..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here