

11 Jan 2022

9:11 pm. – I.K. – I.A-A. – 1-10-20

9:11 pm. I.K. I.A-A. 1-10-2022. A-J-T.V. Hello. It feels like a web, an elasticated web of Tissue, Fibres, and String, that is being manually, and systematically deconstructed, and then reconstructed step by step, Spider-Man, ” No Way Home” moving through Peter Parker, towards Clark Kent and a Super Computer who becomes “The Man of Steel 1& 2” with a dose of Doctor Strange and Batman. Metamorphosis. Will of Steel, weaving- via 96/69 Bat Man- sound and inverse. That is the […]

10 Jan 2022

Truly, I am going through the

Truly, I am going through the most bizarre physical metamorphosis. 9:03 pm. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Jan 2022

5:59 pm. – E-E.I. & S.P. 59. – 1

5:59 pm. E-E.I. & S.P. 59. 1-9-2022. A-I.T.-V. Hello, I am currently at 3270 Facebook Freinds, The Play of the Ever Source Bill and the 220 USD Play which was completed with Stephen Esteban Miguel Filgueria has been resolved, and full circle the E.M.F. 220 is V.O. 211 is B.K. B.A-A. 3, 270, C- A-A.O C-Ressurection A-A Full Circle O. C-B.G.O. 32+70= 102. A.O.B. A.F.B. J.B. Jaymes Bond. OO7. Judges Bench. Link Connect 18 Mountain View, 2015-2016 with Jonn Delguidce […]

09 Jan 2022

4:27 pm. – And so I am back at

4:27 pm. And so I am back at 3267 Facebook Friends. It makes sense. 4:28 am. 1-9-2022. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Jan 2022

3:51 a.m. – C.E-A. – I am now at

3:51 a.m. C.E-A. I am now at 3268 Facebook Friends. C.B.F.H. C.Best Friend Harmony. 32 +68. 32+68= 100. 100% Izusa Jacelyn I.J. Caley Daisha C.D. I.J. C. D. First Letters. F.L.-A. I.C. 9 3 J.D. 10 4. I.Z. U.S.A. *”In Native American the meaning of the name Izusa is: White stone.” White Stone. W.S/ S.W. 3:49 am. The Black Stone e.g Mecca, transformed by the embodiment back to its original state when it Fell Intentionally to earth as a Shooting […]

09 Jan 2022

11:22 pm – 11:23 pm right now. –

11:22 pm 11:23 pm right now. A.A.V. A-A.B.C. A.A.W. 1-8-2022. A.H-T.V. A-I-V. Hello. I received some intel today from Liberty C, the family has moved again into “Granpa Ferrill’s” former house, Chris Gemino has been present, but what made me smile was the intel that Arden had a new year’s bacchanal which lasted for ten days with his friends. 11:28 pm. It made me smile. And yes, my body is going through that promised quantum transformation, it is not pleasant, […]

08 Jan 2022

1:19 a.m. – …And to think, th

1:19 a.m. …And to think, that this entire play has been a chess match with Universal Simulations as Mind Aka, Art undercover as Science – Art. 1:21 am, A.B.A. Father Lord undercover as U.S. Alberto, the third Alberto I had met, but he with David Roman Nicholas also present and his lady friend called Dawn. who reminds me of Laura Walsh by how she sees and reads the truth of the stars, being in Human form… You may recall, of […]

08 Jan 2022

9:51 pm. – I: E.-A. – 9:53 pm. – I

9:51 pm. I: E.-A. 9:53 pm. I.E.C. 9:54 p.m. Strange, Jae Sherman came at sat across from me, as she made coffee, I got up and left the table to complete this post in the living room, and the internet went off. I asked her, and hers on her phone is still on, she had told me that Alaska her cat had messed up her computer, so I was not surprised by that intel, but the internet play caused me […]

07 Jan 2022

From Kim Arthur Hinds Jr – Orig

From Kim Arthur Hinds Jr Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Jan 2022

20 22. – Sacred Portal 22. V. V

20 22. Sacred Portal 22. V. Victor, Victorious. See Sacred Portal 47 which I just shared. O.W.L. The Back to Anus. 47-22= 25. A.F.K.G= 25. Y. E.S. 111 P. E-A.N.U.S. U.R A N U.S. 12:39 am. 4 7- 11 28= 39. C.I. Victor Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here