

26 Jan 2022

Sent to me at 2:05 pm – By Kath

Sent to me at 2:05 pm By Kathleen Jordan. K.J. T 54262 B, T.B. 20 2. 22 V. 2:16 pm. Black Panther. Beautiful Pride= 18 Respond!. A.H. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Jan 2022

10:14 pm. – Muhamad Ali. M.A/ A

10:14 pm. Muhamad Ali. M.A/ A.M. The Black Super Man. Black Panther movie. Captain America. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Jan 2022

*: Black Superman – Muhammad A

*: Black Superman – Muhammad Ali Lyrics This here’s the story of Cassius Clay Who changed his name to Muhammad Ali He knows how to talk and he knows how to fight And all the contenders were beat out of sight Sing, Muhammad, Muhammad Ali He floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee Mohammed, the black superman Who calls to the other guy I’m Ali catch me if you can Now all you fight fans, you’ve got to […]

25 Jan 2022

Dina Singh Ji 40 Mutual Facebo

Dina Singh Ji 40 Mutual Facebook Friends * Africa Pangea “AOH Dina nani” He Lay Down to rest- Share liked this. It was when I was at 1494 Facebook Friens. 1-494. 14. S,P and 94. See the date. N- A.D. I.D. Identity. I Delta the Square Root. S R. I am now at 3363 Facebook Friends twice. 1869 facebook friends later from that date and number of Facebook Friends… That is how long I was kept waiting to prove 18-year-old […]

25 Jan 2022

S.P 50 – Original Facebook Post

S.P 50 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

25 Jan 2022

You can read it – By going backw

You can read it By going backwards to 4 months ago To retrace how it manifested. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

25 Jan 2022

2:47 pm – I must say, after 18

2:47 pm I must say, after 18 years of this body, the most accurate description was my original one… It feels like the riddle of existence, R.O.E, That my body was transformed into a literal Rubric Cube (Cure Rune?) R.U.E. BRIC. C.U.B.E- A.M Yellow Brick Road. 3 Little Pigs and the Bric House. Building Bricks without Straw.= the K.S. Strawberry Fields Forever. S.F.F 19 6.6. I prefer S.6/6=1-A S.A. F.E. / E.F. A S. Ti. Fast, T.He Flash. F.L. A.S.H. […]

25 Jan 2022

S.P. – Sir P. – Sir Pious Nduka.

S.P. Sir P. Sir Pious Nduka. Symmetrical – Perfection, Sacred Portal. S.P. = 19 16= 35. c.e. 350 U.S.D. Liberty C… E. Harmony Supreme. 35 35 1 70. 17. Sacred Portal 1 A. and 43. 8. 8/8=1. 11:39 pm. Just to be clear as a clean day. Dawn. 11:39 pm 11:40 pm right now. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

25 Jan 2022

11:03 pm – 11:04 pm – 11 00 34. –

11:03 pm 11:04 pm 11 00 34. I just made a comment on an image I shared from Alicia Norris which Stephen Popiotek and Stephen Johnson both Liked, Stephen Popiotek has been a close personal facebook friend for years, long before J.S arrived whom I am and have been very close to. thry have 15+28 mutual Facebook Friends with me= 43. It was about E-Jeron, E-Jay and Pluto the 9th Planet, Aligned to Jupiter whom I met in his Mother […]

24 Jan 2022

Facebook Post..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here