

04 May 2022

4:34 pm – Continuing from my po

4:34 pm Continuing from my post yesterday of “Lilttle Nicky” L-N. 12-14. 26. 12-14-87. Chris Filgueira was born on that day and Dina Singh Ji mentioned the codes which moved me to realize that I was being called forth to answer and respond to this code called the Devil. Lucifer Satan. Baphomet Goat Pan Little Goat All these codes have been in my Life Script of the last 21 and 22 years. Little Goat aligned to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr […]

04 May 2022

The Devils little Goat.. – Me E

The Devils little Goat.. Me Eh….Me Eh… Little Devil 3:05 am 35. C.E. C.F.E. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

04 May 2022

1:58 a.m – Excuse me, I an actu

1:58 a.m Excuse me, I an actually speaking to the Silence right now more, though I am aware of your presence but Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and others I have lived with have noted how I often speak aloud to Myself? No, not really to that which is unseen, to those which are frequencies, invisible wires which impulse and stimulate me causing my body to react response like a circuit switch put on…I begin to Connect the dots and often […]

04 May 2022

8:13 p.m – H M. – Universe 13.8

8:13 p.m H M. Universe 13.8 Billion Years old. M H. 5-3-2022. 5-3-6 The Story Teller. T.S.T. E-A. 20 19 20. = 59. Sacred Portal 59. Add 5-1= 6. 65. F E. Aligned to 2 and 1 U S.D E F From Nevi Ehko Hello. I accepted a new Facebook Friend, but I figured if I am here twiddling my fingers, and Perfect Timming Perfect Symmetry Perfection =Harmony Peace. And yet though all of that has been. Proven by myself, […]

03 May 2022

5:54 pm – 5:55 pm – From Futuris

5:54 pm 5:55 pm From Futurism Most of my Facebook Friends are aware as to why I am sharing this on my News feed But I would also like to you to be aware of Language and Perception, seen and understood from a Species behind the C – Speed of Light is and will be obviously be very different. For this realms Perception one might call it A Vortex or a Black Hole which Aborbs everything including Light and Radiation […]

03 May 2022

From Alexa Vertefeuille – 5:27

From Alexa Vertefeuille 5:27 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 May 2022

Via the very last 2 Facebook F

Via the very last 2 Facebook Friends ending this 21 22 year 29+ years mission Impossible 7. G. Javed Gulab Bella Paige J.G. B.P. Merge. J.B. 10 2. G.P. 7 16.. 9:04 pm Room 904 Red Rooster plus Asylum Avenue NOV. DEC. 2018. Connecticut Hartford 94. I.D. 9 64. 96. 4 9;06 p.m 9 66. 9.1. 9;07 pm 97. 9 67. It’s a good way to end this all. Here Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 May 2022

8:57 pm. – H.E.G. – Bella Paige

8:57 pm. H.E.G. Bella Paige B.P. Beautiful Pride. Bella means ” Beautiful ” Beauty & The Beautiful One. B A. T. B.O. B O IS 152. Rep Anastasia Hart 152 Mutual Facebook Friends Hartford. Connecticut 9;00 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 May 2022

Javed Gulab – Gulab means ” Ros

Javed Gulab Gulab means ” Rose Flower” R F Rielly Ferrill. Ferrell Rocket Fuel 8;54 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 May 2022

I added for the 11th, 12th and

I added for the 11th, 12th and now 13th time. 4+5000 x9 twice. Two new Facebook Friends Javed Gulab J.G. & Bella Paige B.P. Javed means Eternal Immortal. 8:50 pm That was on one of the Serial numbers on Nevi Ehko 2 USD and 1 U.S.D Bill’s end. 8;51 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here