
Universal Law: Immovably…the Setting

12 May 2018

11:45 p.m.

11:45 p.m. 5-11- 2018…. @ 1139 Face Book Friends The Day began with the Play of the arrival of Kyle Murphy ( the view of two face book friends rep backwards as Marty Kyle Marty Kyle.. M.K.. To K.M…R K M…. R.M…) As my 11 39th Facebook Friend. 11 is Letter K… ( A-A) 39 3=C. 9=I.. K C I…. 3 33 333….36.. 6 is 9… 36 360…O… 9=I J K H.in Harmony to Infinity was played out here in […]

17 Apr 2018

My spirit does not meet someone and then when I go to sleep and hear that person speaking to me in the spirit realm! Hi I have acknowledged source through you, and have seen the magnificence of what spirit can do in any part of the world

My spirit does not meet someone and then when I go to sleep and hear that person speaking to me in the spirit realm! Hi I have acknowledged source through you, and have seen the magnificence of what spirit can do in any part of the world 7:58 p.m Unbelievable!!!! My Coffee at Starbucks from Chris 58. * See Time… Second Coffee 4… *Delta… Arab Bodega.. 54.. Randall Michael Wiltz.. R M W.. 18 13 23 =54 ( Double V […]

16 Apr 2018

9:19 a.m.

9:19 a.m. I S. 4-16-2018. D.P.R. D.P.T. R…. IS Infinite Self. Delta Point Reflects… Divinity Pefect Timing Robert Cofffee-( me) Randall Michael Wiltz… Without his being aware each time I come down from Breakfast I see Randall Michael Wiltz. He has no idea that I have been observing the Harmony of our alignment as perfect timing. No one has even in the last 17 years been in the Harmoy which he reflects and embodies. I am back at 1117 Facebook […]

11 Apr 2018

6:39 p.m.

6:39 p.m. F.C.I.. 4-11-18… 2018 D-K-R…. Delta Kolo R.M. Divine Kolo Randall.. See the play of Randall Michael arriving as my 110 facebook friend followed by Kate Renee. Now according the Rules of the is Script which I have become familiar with, when the person representing the Reflection of a meaning which I have reached is not present, it means that the meaning aligns only one way to myself. If the person stays and I can tag them when their […]

10 Apr 2018

In Defense of My Father… My Son who became my Brother

In Defense of My Father… My Son who became my Brother and Evolved to My Equal….Contd Get Up, Stand Up Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights! Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights! Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights! Get up, stand up: don’t give up the fight! Preacherman, don’t tell me, Heaven is under the earth. I know you don’t know What life is really worth. It’s not all that glitters […]

18 Mar 2018

Rajiya Talib R T…

Rajiya Talib R T… Excellent Healer ( Maduabuchi Henry Excellent) Nicola Robinson.. R.T. E.H.. N.R… R E N… EE…. T H R… E E… Rebirth of the 3… Sacred Portal 76 The 123 CockSure of The First Dawn Awakening… Dear lord… I am still solving… ! Hello… I am tagging each of you because you represent the end of an equation which I have been solving 25 years consciously. I began working on it in 1989, but it was not […]

11 Mar 2018

Thank you Teo Miguel Bouça T.M.B…

Thank you Teo Miguel Bouça T.M.B… I.C.E – VII… I C E .. 5 2… 2 5… 7… G.. I C E G… That is how deeply They Buried My Truth 610- 800. Center of the Earth…. Sacred Portal 3.. 3-2… Tyrone Mellville Being… is sitting right besides me, in fact he relinquished his seat for the second time round. Tyrone M who is seated besides me and a good friend of Cleveland just took one look at this post […]

04 Mar 2018

6:33 p.m.

6:33 p.m. 3-4-2018… Reginald age 26 is sitting to my extreme left. Rahul age 32 is sitting to my immediate left.. he is watching Ragnarok…. I am sitting at Starbucks. waiting for Flip J Hendrixs. I woke up from a nap and for some reason I called him. I say for some reason because I had left a text earlier stating that it was getting just too frustrating getting to meet up with him the second time to complete the […]

12 Feb 2018

5:30 p.m.

5:30 p.m. E C O.. 2-12-2018. The Human Race has no alternative but to Evolve. There was never a Choice. It is unfortunate the Script and Play used to highlight this necessity and the necessity for the Extermination and Extinction of that which can not evolve. It is my greatest sadness, beyond words that this is what the Posts and Scripts of the most beautiful, plan E.T was transformed into… The sheer wonder of what the Human Being is able […]

25 Jan 2018


Contd. I am solving an Riddle and an Equation… In this reality it is linked to the Riddle of the Sphinx…. Equation of the Architect of the Matrix… Riddles of Existence… Meaning of Existence…. It has been going on for a long time… And I was literally moved to this portal in 2012 to begin making public the Equation I found myself solving. I could not stop, my body literally vomitted out the knowledge in a stream of consciousness. My […]