
Universal Law: Immovably…the Setting

14 Dec 2019

I can not stay in a play which is not concerned with the Truth.

I can not stay in a play which is not concerned with the Truth. 11:58 a.m. But only in reducing the Truth to a Story which equates to Disrespect and Hate and to constant non existence. 12:00 a.m L.. Liberty C Liscomb had no idea of what she was getting into when I was sent to activate her to Awareness and Awakening. She has become The Witness. And she has witnessed the truth of my experience of simply delivering a […]

14 Nov 2019

9:19 p.m

9:19 p.m I.S. Hello.. I just wished to make a comment.. Don’t you think it fishy in this play of how few are loyal to me or the Truths they witnessed. Or to a set up, which limits finds ways to limit my expression by placing me in homes and portals I have to pass through, people I have to live with, and post from their homes and correct and clean from Impuse Stimuli of situations which I have to […]

07 Nov 2019

9:29 p.m.

9:29 p.m. I B I I A MAN. I A.M. AN N A. There is Nothing more Terrible than the disintergration of Trust. When even Naked, Transparent and Tested Checked for an astounding 31 years, and 64 portals in the U.S.A. People are not able to trust what they feel, sense, intuit, recognize and know at first glance. A Betrayal to believe the worst, to test check and challenge from behining to end. If no one is sure of what […]

07 Nov 2019
19 Oct 2019

2:33 a.m

2:33 a.m B C C. 10-19-2019. J S. T S. J T. S.S.. Hello. Its very late, and I spent over 8 hours at work and conversing with Liberty C Liscomb. My body as you know, is and has been set to transform, marking the final proof of Manifest Evidence of Universal Evolution through twin portals Evolution and Extinction See sacred portals 104 and 48. I have a response to todays play through a play which took place linled to […]

27 Aug 2019
10 Aug 2019
07 Aug 2019

12:02 a.m

12:02 a.m Mabel Kaho Atiba Zariah Aliya Karina Carmen Summer Lyla. M.K Z K. S. ( Krzysztof Solek. K S. I S. Staten Island) K I. 9 11. S S. 19 19. Stephen Filgueria . Stephen Johnson Sarah Kaizer) Beautiful, Adored and beloved one. The Perfumed breeze of the Flower of life has made great progress, its perfumed wind and breeze has set sail, * see Sacred portal 34.. Having an Ear, to the walk and progress of the Process […]

19 Jul 2019

2:20 p.m

2:20 p.m 22 O V O 7-19-2019. G S T S. Hello, I woke up to an intelligence report from John Mack. 7 years ago, I was in Forte Lauderdale, Florida with Billy Hung, I was doing undercover work for the E.T. Not only about Igbo Landing but also the I ntel on the plans laid out by the Military about the Awakening. I was fully aware of what I was really doing, as well as being sent there to […]

17 Jul 2019

11:23 p.m

11:23 p.m A A B C. E K W… K E W. Gardens Queens. Where I had an apartment for a year. Also famed Green House Nursery School A W.. Adam Waldron Alien Wizards. A W E A V V E Alexa VertefeuilleAlexa A V Y E A Victorious Man E. 7-17-2019. G Q T S Gentleman Quarterly The Script. Beauty is an Elegant and Graceful man A warrior being Naturally Graceful. Elegant Manner… 11:28 p.m right now Naturally. There […]