
Sixth Sense: Using Five Senses in One

11 Jul 2019

9:22 p.m

9:22 p.m I went to buy some stuff 19:19 u s d.. S S And 3 69 u sd As I walked up Free Man’s Avenue I literal almost bumped into this parked car.. I looked at it.. M A C. 369.. Yes.. Nikolai T esla He who solves the riddle of 3 6 9 Has solved the Riddle of Existence And yes, the Play with John Mack and his room.mate Ian Patrick Stewart. And the code he was wearing […]

04 Jul 2019

4:15 p.m

4:15 p.m D.O… D A..E 7-4-2019.. G ( O..F) D. T S. G F D. The Script. Independence Day. I D.. 9 4.. 13. 36. 4 9. Bed 49 2015. It’s Micael Wheeler birthday today, Happy Birthday… 🙂 He turns 69. M.W 69 M W 87 69 Milky Way Galaxy.. I.D. Hello I… we are now at 1283 Facebook Friends And it is Independence Day. I D 7 years ago,.this day, Ravindra Singh took me away from the portal 268, […]

27 Jun 2019

2:22 p.m

2:22 p.m B V Link Brenden Velez Brendan is a Celtic name meaning Prince… Brave.. Flame… Name of Celtic Warrior Gods of great magnetism. Velez means to Sail or Watchmen, and in Sanskrit it means Shore, Coast line. Hence the meaning of B V. B 5..Being Victorious. Is the Brave Prince is the Observer Watchman who set sail with his Flame of Truth and sailed across the Seas to land on the Shore of .. New world. He is the […]

24 Jun 2019
15 Jun 2019

Still at 12 67 Facebook Friends

Still at 12 67 Facebook Friends … 8:50 p.m B.K. E. 67. I opened the Book of Nature so you can read… Allah told Mohammad to Read Read the book of Nature. Read the Sign of the Times.. Write it down my Script, truthfully honestly, following carefully, not blindly.. Odera once, it is written, having obeyed my Script to the letter and number, and accurately precisely, and obediently waiting, pausing for for my confirmation, I will promise you, at its […]

05 Jun 2019

11:43 p.m

11:43 p.m Sigh.. Chuckle.. S.m.h. A.T M. E.. I was about to make something to eat, Michael Bennett arrived. To make manifest the E Quantum Leap Jump Change Transformation from Death as the End to Beautiful Death Prince of Darkness, Beautiful Transformation based on you enacted embodied truth. ( can lie there when you transform into what you really thought and acted out and expressed from) .. I have to respond to each new Facebook arrival until the alignment of […]

31 May 2019

3:02 p.m

3:02 p.m 32 4 32 Hertz. 4 5.. 4.5 Billion Years ago 5-31-2019. E C A.T. S. Hello… Today is the last day of May. And it represents completion of my proving the E Consciousness is embodied by others apart from myself, understanding of the Language and Consciousness of the Eternal which exists in everyone. I have proven this, in a preset up Time frame Of The Script, which I alone had to transform from a reality of seeming randomness […]

29 May 2019
29 May 2019

1:01 p.m

1:01 p.m A O A Alpha Omega Alpha. 5-29-2019.. E B.I T. S.. E A-Z ( 26 +3) A B C. T S Quantum Leap Jump.. Victorious From 219 217. South Whitney Esteban Miguel Filgueira McKayla Rays Emeka Kolo E M E.. Kim Arthur Hines K A H. E M E. Tree Sage E.T John Mack to Jesse Macias 1:11 p.m J M J M J J. M.M. 10 10 .. 20. 2. B M M. 13 13. 26. Z […]

25 May 2019


Conclusion Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Web.. MW 87. MW69 87.69 .. J M Jump Man 10 13. John Mac Kayla 23. W. 23 = 5. E Double V V. 22 22. 4 4. 8 E 8. Andrey Klebanov Leap Jump.. Leap Year 66. Jump 4 years to 1 365 to 366 days in a Year Feb 28 to 29. 3 66. 29.. J A.M. E M F L J. Lucifer John 12 10. 22 B E. 8 E 22 I […]