
Sixth Sense: Using Five Senses in One

13 Dec 2019

8:03 p.m

8:03 p.m H O C. H.F C.. 8 6 C… Hindsight Foresight creates Consciousness Harmony is Sixth Sense = Consciousness Hello, Liberty C Liscomb invited me to the Salt Baths after my body had to go back down, it wasn’t her fault of course, its the play of ah yes 8:06 p.m right now. Perfect Timming Perfect Symmetry And yes, I did travel aided by the code represented by Arden and Ferrel Air Arden ( and Water) Ferrell Water Auriela […]

15 Oct 2019

4:52 p.m

4:52 p.m D E B. 10-15-2019. J O. T S A O A E.T S A-F-A T S.. Alien Father @ S. Alien Father Alpha The Script. * Alien Father is the Head of the A-Lien Council Representatives in this world is the Consciousness of Babies. Please link 7 Month old son of Liberty C Liscomb and Thomas Lang. Others call Him/Her The Full Circle’ Big Bang.. Really the First Orgasm. O.H His Feninine aspect is A.H. 158 1- 8. […]

18 Sep 2019

8:57 p.m

8:57 p.m 8 5 Oceans 7 Continents. 8 12.. 8 L .. Liberty C Liscomb Line. Sister Line. 8 3.. H C Harmony C Planet Earth. There is a posts Date 4-8-2019. Linked to a share I posted on Emeka Odiamma page where I am speaking about the EEE and the Virus I was manifesting to rid the planet of the Unnaturals. Huemans not seated in their hearts. Liberty, recieved an E Mail from Harwington Youth Sports about this deadly […]

18 Sep 2019

The Great Witch and the Hypnotic War Lock.

The Great Witch and the Hypnotic War Lock. 12:12 p.m L.L. 9-17- 2019. I.Q. T S… Code reflected here by Liberty C Liscomb L.L. As well as I.Q. code of her home portal. I am passing through a Embodied Reflection of what I am and orginally represent. Her own alignment is based on if she is aligned to the meaning of her name in E code. L L. 24. E M F * I met Liberty through Esteban Miguel Filgueira […]

17 Sep 2019

From Alicia Norris

From Alicia Norris 11:05 a.m. K O E.. F L. Florida. 27th State A U E… X 6O X factor 24 One Day.. Sixth Sense Full Circle. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

05 Sep 2019

Facebook Post..

7:56 p.m H.. G : E.F 9-5-2019. I E.T S. Harmony Grace is E Family. Infinity Eternity The Script Exemplified by The Source. 7:58 p.m … And truly I am not amused. ( Because it means, that I am being told, that which I am already aware.. That I was used as an example, to show and demonstrate how the seemingly most lost lamb has a homing device, G.P S, and built in Secretion which leaves a trail, leading one […]

05 Sep 2019

1:00 AM

1:00 am. 9-4-2019.. 9-5-2019. Hello.. Its late.. And so much has happened since last night since John Mack and Johnny New man came here last night. And today with Liberty and Farrell…Leander Auriela and Arden… And 6 month old Jeron. Thomas Lang was wearing a red T shirt with the words M E H. Farrell showed us his work as Daedalus and Icarus the things he had forged some with Bamboo.. a sleek elegant pipe with a Bamboo stem which […]

04 Sep 2019

12:57 a.m

12:57 a.m 9-4-2019.. I D. T S.. I D. The Source. For Liberty C Liscomb Line. Source Codes. Foundation is 7.7 Solfeggio Spectrum Rainbow. That is the base of the Source codes. Thats it.. 1-7=8 1-7=8 8 is the Full Circle 8 O. 8 O 88 O O 8/8 is 1. 8= 1 O O is Full Circle. 15 letter 1+5=6 6/6=1.. 8= 1 6=1. 1-1 A-A. A-Z-A = 27 Florida 27th State is called the Sun Shine State. 8 […]

02 Sep 2019
27 Aug 2019