
Sixth Sense: Using Five Senses in One

09 Jun 2012

Beauty has responded!

6/9/12 5:41pm News Flash and Update! Beauty has responded! 123… ABC in Alpha- bet city New York! I received a response today, to my quiet, private plea and prayer to Beauty after I took a walk around New York city. I was almost overwhelmed after the response of me (and my family’s) lifetime efforts to prove Beauty, at how everyone and everywhere there seemed only the drive for money, the rush, rush, hush! hush!… “Get it together, keep it together,” […]

25 May 2012

I just wanted to say something rather personal…

5/25/12 Hello… I just wanted to say something rather personal. I do not think many who know me will be aware of the significance of the document written my Professor Catherine Acholonu above, and many will not even read it, but to me it is a vindication of a journey that took me away from every one I loved and cared for… It took me away from the naughty boy life I had planned, and onto a mysterious road that […]

29 Apr 2012

The Answer to the Riddle of Rapture and the Ascension R.A. to RE…

4/29/12 The Answer to the Riddle of Rapture and the Ascension R.A. to RE… The sun god aligned to the sol… RE RA. Also the answer to the riddle through Reason and Explanation (R.E) of why people all over the planet keep seeing the numbers 1111… the 4\1111 everywhere which is simply the box of time and limit being broken down to 4: a box, 3: a triangle, 2: a line, to 1: the I, the point of passing through […]

13 Apr 2012

Continuation WWW.generation X gardens.com…

4/13/12 Continuation WWW.generation X gardens.com WWW.GenerationXUniversity.com Overcoming Extreme Poverty… I had lived in Tompkin’s Square park for a month and found eight remarkable people whom I made a rough documentary about called, Dear Mr. President- A Love Letter from Tompkin’s Park, believing that my mission and why I was there was to meet these eight people and give them a voice. There was one of them in particular called Omar, whose rage and true articulation for the state of being […]

13 Apr 2012

Rich Man. Poor Man…. The Richman Pour (four 4) Man…

4/13/12 Rich Man. Poor Man…. The Richman Pour (four 4) Man…? www. GenerationX gardens WWW.Generation X University WWW. The Holy spirit Albert E Santana… (aka albert Einstein) Promotion of The World Day to Overcome Extreme Poverty in the World. Hello Everyone, As many of you might or might not know, the condition that has been affected me (and most of humanity in different kinds of ways) led me down a road to discover the dimension of people without.. or who […]

28 Mar 2012

Symptoms of evolution of the seen and unseen world…

Hello everyone, Symptoms of evolution of the seen and unseen world… how both can be seen. As I stated yesterday, that my journey of wandering New York city began with my writing an article for the William Morris Agency, (who wished to make sure that I was indeed the writer of my Journals “Talking to the Silence,” and attest to the way I perceived reality was true) which happened to be about the homeless. I arrived in New York, having […]

19 Jun 2011

Whenever I hear from you I think of your voice and its great warmth…

6/19/12  5:16pm Original Comment by E to a reply by Krzysztof Solek: Hello brother man, so nice to hear from you. Whenever I hear from you I think of your voice and its great warmth…and the power of hurt that you rose above. I know that you understand hurt, its true meaning, but I also know that, like the sun, you knew you would always rise to bring light, as I have witnessed by following your work. But you went […]