
Sixth Sense: Using Five Senses in One

11 Dec 2013

Facebook Post..

Abyss in ia…Eritrea-Ethiopia. A.E…E. Ad am E Saw. Ou de M… Red. E-rit rea… The Red Land. Also called Ta Netjeru..Meaning Gods Land. Location of Horn of Africa H.O.A. Harmony O me Ga Alpha H.A! Ancient Kingdom D. Mt. 980 B.C. Kingdom of Ak-sum. Along side Persia Rome Chine India… Going back 2millinea BC known as the place Homo sapiens moved to the Middle East. 2nd most populous country in Africa. First is Nigeria Nigeria Ethiopia N.E Biafra E rit […]

06 Dec 2013

Facebook Post..

The Watch Man… And His Vision…5 in 1. Ezekeil Chapter 33…30-33 One of the Supreme ladies (Royal Consciousness) sent me a text this day identifying the role she ascertained as my role that I was given to plau (by my Father Son) The role and responsibity being the Watchman of the human species. In which he gives the responsibility of calling out his arrival and alerting all (Hence my using the name Nnamdi meaning My Father I.S), and failure to […]

04 Dec 2013

Facebook Post..

Hello my 160 F.B Friend. Eunice Oviawe-Jones. E.O…J *For those who have been following me on F.B as I made public my private conversation with Existence with all the self chosen F.B friends- in which from deep within me the plan E.T and blue print of the future of the species (being Evolution from Human beings to Hue man beings signalinh the Awakening and physical as well as mental metamorphsis of a species and the extinction of another) I have […]

04 Dec 2013


Howl!! Wolf Panther Six Sense Sine Moon…. Howl!!! in Rage at Night stealing the image of sixth sense claimants the soul this night. The Source is Eye of this most secret gate.. Rise to claim whats ours by right. Earned by merit the full circles power and might. p.m. Hmmm how strange…someone shared beautiful Wolf Imagery with astrological insights…which I shared…and now its gone… Hmm perhaps sharing hacking…only for chosen ones…. Lets see if Fenrir is real and responds… In […]

03 Dec 2013

Facebook Post..

The Royal Pathfinder ….and Tourist Guide. P.S. Many may believe that my predictions or what I read and translated on F.B of on certain dates like the 5th and the 28th of certain manifestation happening were dissapointed. The truth is on all those dates those events did manifest but privatley not just for me (with witnesses) but for all of you individually and privately. But perhaps bc it did not manifest in the way you, I or we expected it […]

20 Jun 2012

The Art of Conversation…

6/20/12  4:31pm The Art of Conversation (aka the Holy spirit and the Holy communion) is the source of the collective Awakening, awareness and consciousness that something else is going on apart from the rent. It brings forth the true meaning and energy of “Revelations.” Deep within us is the expression of everything, the plan for evolution…for our species; it is the map, and all we have to do is access it and link it together to form the picture. The […]

19 Jun 2012

They will fill the heavens with the call of your name Christoph…

6/19/12  5:28 pm Original comment to a reply by Krzysztof Solek: And they will fill the heavens with the call of your name Christoph, because you went so far to find out our 12 parents’ true names. Beauty is Love; Beauty and Love, their true names…our first parents, not A dam and an Eve. So it is they who call your name, they, the beautiful earth, the flowers, the seas, the sky, the glorious fragmented earth. It is truly one […]

19 Jun 2012

It was to discover ourselves, the true power and superhuman parts…

6/19/12  4:46pm   Comment /reply to comment in last post by Krzysztof Solek: Original comment by E: It was to discover ourselves, the true power and superhuman parts of ourselves, to unite with it and rise with it…the flesh, our humanity as well as our divinity. It was the journey to link and reunite that which was never apart, never forgotten, never in duality. Only we forgot to recognize it, we forgot to call it by its most holy name, […]

15 Jun 2012

How Science can create Poetry, common link Art\Technique…

6/15/12 7:11pm   How Science can create Poetry, common link Art\Technique. The Theory of Evolution is no longer a Theory it is now proven a fact. The Greatest Battle–proving the power of energy of the collective and the influence by the illusion of money–past, present and no future. Human beings will not warp or manipulate reality, they can only manipulate the illusion…which is not evolution). Instead, by being in harmony with Infinity, Eternity and Pi they will be able to […]

13 Jun 2012