
Sixth Sense: Using Five Senses in One

12 Feb 2014

Facebook Post..

D.N.A. D.N.U. D.N.E. And the True Story of Truth Trueman TT…Pi. The Personal Programer. The P.C.E Programer. The Personal Computer Programer. The D.N.A. Sequence and Program. And the Vide O Game Versus the Vide 0 game Aligned to from 01 to O I. Our Collective D.N.A. is a programe. We have been Programed. By Who? And For what reason? Our world is the visual projection of said programe fraqmented and dispersed as fragments of the story called Nature. Our role […]

08 Feb 2014

Facebook Post..

The Last of the Nri Igbo Creation Story Restored to Truth… and my personal corrections and transformation from inside out revered of These First Gods which began and grew from worship of those who were loved and who passed away.. the Ancestors… our families. First. CHUKWU.. The Great God and the first force which came into existence often represented by the Sun. To me this is that which is within and represented by self created Light movement warmth cool and […]

08 Feb 2014

Facebook Post..

The Gift. The Day Time stood still 1984. THERE Is Something Sum- Thing in the Air.. Moving Backwards ( Through Creations Stories and Migrational pathways Out of Africa and Back Into Afraica and Beyond) from Ney York,Rome Greece, Celts Vikings, Persia Syria, Arabia, Middle East Ethiopia, Eggypt, Kemet… Yesterdyay we were In Igbo Land and Nri… Then we went beyond Ekwensue and Onwu Death.. the two, where I met Set H at Cafe Bean. C.B.. Consciousness In Being, who spoke […]

31 Jan 2014

A very quick up date… Done with the A .Face Book play but thought I should give evidence and an update why.

A very quick up date… Done with the A .Face Book play but thought I should give evidence and an update why. As I mentioned before my hosts but more especially the Energy Spirit in him.. (Some one told the spirit is him the King of New York, Satan.. but it is Saint Anna…meaning in Igbo seat of the Holy,, Land). Where engaged when I first met him, not only on continuos conversation for the past seven years. But also […]

23 Jan 2014

Conclusion 15.

Conclusion 15. of the Full Circle. Challenge Competition Covetous Criticize. Duel Duality Distort Demand Discord. No matter how much love,patience Devotion evidence Beauty Manners Charm transparency of Pure Intention.. The Call to Act and Activate the Act Ion has failed completely to move people to action. Despite testimonial to Truth. Which leads us to conclude that only way to activate humanity to motion and response is not love as they suggest but Fear and Consequences.. As Mirrored in Osho Book […]

23 Jan 2014

Bia Afra…

Bia Afra… Bia Afro dite Bia Aphro dite. *See Saint Afra third century B.C. Feast Day August 5th. 8-5. 8 is H 5 is E. 13 is M. AH18 R. R is Respect Pagan 3rd century prositute dedicated to Venus. Who helped Bishop Narcissus *See Legend og Narcsisus and Echo…Looking at his reflection in the magic looking glass. Acts of Afra. Acts of Sebles affirmation Well Done. E.T.. Our Consciousness weave… we Link the truth AND/DNA.. See question from Jasper […]

20 Jan 2014

Facebook Post..

Across the abyss Emeka to Kasper linked across the Great Divide…Linked Grandmothers. Alberte and Albert Einstien. Child of Royale line Connection OINRI people able to remember past lifes. Daughter of my mothers youngest Brother Nduka.. Meaning life is Supreme… Daughters name..Ifun nnanya- said to be the incarnation of my Grandmother Lucy (very funny like Lucille Ball..Dezie Arnez D.A.) Her Name Ojugo.. Meaning Dove. No Ah’s Arch (N.A.) * New Covenant with God and man never to flood the word. Birth […]

12 Jan 2014

Conclusion part two.

Conclusion part two. Awakening and Evolution of Humans, the Planet and Universal Existence into one and what it means. The Unifying field of the full Circle is a U.F.O is a Flying Carpet within each Hueman being called Harmony Infinity. It does not occur outside of us but from within. The Great play of interfacing with the Unifying Field O was to Harmonize Unify Energetically (H.U.E) Man kind through social dymamics and to access by understanding the Energy consciousness which […]

08 Jan 2014

The Story of Raphael Lucifer Erose against the Arch Angels of the East and the West Continued.

The Story of Raphael Lucifer Erose against the Arch Angels of the East and the West Continued. So it was yet another Micheal who I met as I began to second leg of my Journey. I haf mey Nnamdi or one called David in New York who recently arrived from Canada who knew me…even more than I knew him at first. One who showed me proof of Humans wings which to me were more evolution of our D.N.A…But he had […]

08 Jan 2014