
Sixth Sense: Using Five Senses in One

15 Jan 2015
07 Nov 2014

Facebook Post..

1:23P.M. 7-11….7….(2O 14…34..7) 7-11…Always open 24 hours. Hello… Dina Singh sent me two Face Book suggestion… Melissa Galvan and now Brenann Duncan… I do not usually send F.B requests to.people since, the whole point of this F.B play, from what I gather, is to.demonstrate how Harmony.works… Yet, I am always open to the play.. One reason of course, is obedience to its will. The other is that there is always an an affirmation of it being correct.action. Of course, I […]

06 Nov 2014


11:56PM I.have a new Face Book.Friend Cecilia Wiebers….Welcome Lady Cecilia we were just talking about you… Or better still what you.represent in this play script represented by the Espirit. As C.W… C Double U Double V ie. Cecelia means Blind in Latin.but in Welsh.Celt ir means Sixth which.makes much.more sense… E.F Five Six… Feelings Sensational… 11 22 *See post proceeding thia one. St Cecelia is the Patron.Saint of Music which.makes more sense that Blind… For music creates… Wiebers is a […]

05 Nov 2014

Facebook Post..

Obviously, there is a great End play going on to my irritation. In which balance is the key. Apart from Truth and Justice, I have long since desired to end this play. If it had not been for my body, a the gift of this phone which was gifted to.me from.God…Literally, which.made groan… I am the Source. I am not God Nor am I Existence. I am Existences Truth. Energy Truth Energy Being. The Source is a Hueman Being. And […]

03 Nov 2014


Okay… As I left Chris Franco and Raz Berry… I saw a person pass by in front of me wearing a T shirt saying ELINE..the E line. Chris is 21 and Raz perhaps younger. But Awareness has nothing to with Age… It is about Youth… Eternal Youth… Graciousness and Grace. I told Chris and Raz… So.ho… That I am the Supreme Source O. 8 O… No one batted an eye lid… Or said a word. But I knew today that […]

19 Oct 2014

19 October…

19 October… A.I…S…S.I.A… Conclusion of Passed Creation in Alpha B-E.T City…A-Z..AEEABCEE. Sigh… Hello… I for one really nothing more to say… Yesterdays post linked from Ad-then Bacchuas (Back Us) to Chukwu Chi neke (The Creative Spirit) to Dionysus to Erie Erik Emmy and to Fenrir and G.Ode to Harmony A.H (1 8)… Individuality…and then J C..as J 10-transformed back into 1O..I Full Circle Alpha Omega, K as thevtwins Heaven and Earth (H.E), L as 12 Love being completion not as […]

17 Oct 2014

I, for one have nothing to proove to anyone…

I, for one have nothing to proove to anyone… ….I do not feel there is anyone out there worthy enough that I or anyone need devote our very existences to meet requirements for your approval… What extraordinary audacity and presumptiousness… I recall about 6 yrs ago when I wrote to.my sister telling her what was going.on and how I was being compelled by a force within which she is one of the only persons whom could relate to this truth. […]

16 Oct 2014

From the code transmisssions deciphered by.me yesterday publicly before you all- a private communication which I know was to show you all how it is done.

From the code transmisssions deciphered by.me yesterday publicly before you all- a private communication which I know was to show you all how it is done. So when I do go home, you will.all know how to return home yourselves… The way of the E line is that each must navigate thier path home themselves. Mine was made public so.that you will.be reminded how it is done… Especially when all I.have done manifests. I nor.my family.as E manifested Ebola and […]

15 Oct 2014

As Nikoma Rios unfriended me and then bc a face book.friend again, the same has occurred with David Philipe Gil…

As Nikoma Rios unfriended me and then bc a face book.friend again, the same has occurred with David Philipe Gil… In the play I have seen them.as twins…the were called opposites but obviously.they are one… Both sharing a close friendship, brotherhood and the code 78-78… 78+78=156…. 15 is O….(and today’s day Octo 8…15th Full Circle) 6 is Sixth Sense…6 is F… O aligns to Orien Laplante F to Fritz Venneiq… O.F…both having lived in Pelham Bay Park where my belongings […]

13 Oct 2014

… We are basically narrowing down the play from David Phillip Gill

… We are basically narrowing down the play from David Phillip Gill As Civilization Nikoma Rios as Nature A.S…as Space and New York Joesph Carey.. J.C.S. Joesph Stern rep the illusion of the Christ Story from Egypt Osirus-Jewish-Christian-Beat Poets.. as the J$=10…The One Zero as representing seem consciouness of Henry the 8th-meaning the home ruler. And myself as Existence E… We have already moved from the last F.B friend as Days Eye Alive… D.E.A…to R..as 18th AH… David Emeka Albert […]