
Sixth Sense: Using Five Senses in One

28 May 2015

1O:24 pm

1O:24 pm 5-28-2O15…(T A..E…B O E A.) 2O+15=35…x+ 8 15 86…14-5…48..12 3.. 5-3…Emeka Chukwu Victory to the Consciousness of the line of Nadee Nakandala… Truly this day will eventually be marked as the V Day for Evolution of Humanity. Achieved by a few people here on FaceBook and in the World. But the play to determine Humanities worthiness to evolve took place here on Facebook- A Simulation of the Energetic Realm of Light the Full Circle AO/OA of Higher Consciousness!!!! […]

28 May 2015

3:54 p.m.

3:54 p.m. Who A.M…I? I am the Author Of Harmony… A O.H…E Father Of Infinity (Individuality). F.O.I…E Mother Of The E Line. M.O T…E.L. Guardian of Existence Truths G.O.E.T. Illustrator Of The Multi Dimensional Energetic Portals of Beings of Expression; Sixth Sense, Sexual Intercourse and Exchanged from present Existence and Beyond. I O T.M. D.E P O. B O E ..S.S. S I.A .E.F PE. AB I.Am… Alexander Selaxandra Defender of Man and Woman Humanities Truth Harmonious Expression of Being […]

11 May 2015

7:58 P.M.

7:58 P.M. 283 Facebook Friends. As I wrote the last Judgment of Kill Em All Those who prefer the illusion of themselves to the Truth… I felt someone would leave the play. As all have witnessed, I have been here before, and already know the play. Of course, this time the I am not in control… Or better still not the one Narrating nor Editing this… The Planets Consciousness… The one I call Nnamdi…. *See Stephen Popiotek 9 parallel universes […]

26 Apr 2015

4:51 P.M.

4:51 P.M. 26-4-8 4-26-8. D:EA…R. A.H. A-Z-D-H… 4 268 D ZH.. Dimension Zeina Hanna Beauty is the Gift of Grace and Favor of the Creator 4th Street Fa 268 is I, Emeka.. The 1-4,5 Dimensions are all E… IV/VI…46/64…67/76.. And now the 68-86 =1-54. I am sitting at 54 2nd Avenue at the Bean Cafe. E.D. Emeka Dimensions… Fifth Dimension. The Play Ends Tonight.. I have worked with the Unseen E line, Unseen but not silent to transform all illusions […]

18 Apr 2015

6:28 PM

6:28 pm Sixth Sense Being Harmonious. I keep comming back to the same places.. The Bean on 3rd and 2nd (2nd and 3rd) * The very first portal I came down in 2OO5… Via 33rd Street Recon * remember Johnny Larkin? Just saw the sign pass by on a car Soul Cycle And two guys wearing numbers 14 with the words Mourning And the other 1O.. Canada… Where I lived until 11…1977.. Muthi Reed.. 14 is Nature. 1O is balance […]

25 Mar 2015
21 Mar 2015

11:28 p.m.

11:28 p.m. 21-3-8 Time; K B.H. (11:28 is my Birthday) A B H. Date; U- C-H. B.A-C-H….(Sebastian Bach…Us…Supreme Being) Kolo B Harmony. Awareness Being Harmony You See Harmony Supreme Being Sebastien Bach… Harmonies Universe…Expression I saw two messages as I woke up today and looked at my Facebook play chart… 2 texts one from Lady Ana Leonardo Caixas Cecilia The other from LA dye. Ines Inês Guerreiro… I read that of Lady A…LA! Of Sixth sense… Bonjour! j’ai UNE cadeau […]

05 Feb 2015

11:22 P.M.

11:22 P.M. Knock Out. K.O. I have a New Facebook Friend which should make the number 248… 48 is the Being of Beautiful Death.. Transformation of the E.ND. 2-4-8 Galaxy 6O X I C 11O1 One View.. Translation: Galaxy FO X…I C K.O.A Correct View C V. 1O11 C I X. OF G-A-LA! This View is the affirmed correct view.. Publicly translates and enacted. That the Line of E came from beyond time for the Gala XY of Enterprise Evolution […]

03 Feb 2015

The Truth Of Everything..

The Truth Of Everything.. By Emeka Kolo Versus The Theory of Everything by Stephen Hawkings. The Truth of Everything.. TTOE By Emeka Kolo …the Begining of the Universe was an Orgasm OH of Sixth Sense… The Universe is the sum total of reflections of that first Orgasm of Consciousness Creation. No human has yet seen the true Creation which caused the Creator to explode in Cosmic awe.. Which sent him around the world in 😯 Days..Infinity OH!!! The Physical manifestation […]

18 Jan 2015

9:21 P.M.

9:21 P.M. I.U….E.. Okay… More linking… Imagine doing this manually…using expression to out distance the Universe as Mind.. ? Outrageous… Anyway here goes… We are at Nnaemeka Chinwuba Charles Ezeufonna… Linked now Two the Full Circle Affirmed by equated to me at Pelham Park where my things still rest in the forest. To Nnaemeka who was aligned to his seeing the Egu Onwa Dance of the Full Moon and then to my former host at 268 after a visit to […]