
Sixth Sense: Using Five Senses in One

16 Dec 2016

Just For The Record…

Just For The Record… L.P. Harmony 2:35 pm B.C.E. 16- 12- 36..9 P. L… C.F. I 12-16-2016. 36. 9 L.P C.F I L.P is an Record old Vinyl. LP. Circle Filled… I. E. And so is this post today, Is just for the Record… Addressed not to you the General Public at present… Who I owe no further explanations, But to the Future Present, represented by those in the future who will read this Equation Play after the Evolution Awakening […]

15 Dec 2016

2:28 PM

2:28 pm Hi… I did not come to face book to fight a system. To be honest, I did not even know why I came until I began to post. I realized that I came to Explain. Words poured out from me of understandings which I recognized only afterwards. To deliver a message- a message to the World, which grew from a gentle breeze, to a storm, then thundered through me. But more than anything, I came to prove a […]

14 Dec 2016

2:52 p.m

2:52 p.m B.E.B Y.E 14-12-2016.. T.P… C.F…I N.L. I 12-14-2016… L.N. T.P. C.F. I L.N… I.E…E Hello… I wish to show you something about todays code Date Time and number of Face Book Friends. And how for the last 4,8 4.9 years, and since my summons to New York, that I have been in a great War Contest and battle of alignment with something Alien An Artificial Intelligence… A Super Computer A Simulation Illusionist It is best summed up in […]

13 Dec 2016

3:38 p.m

3:38 p.m 3:55 p.m C.C.H. C.E.E. 815 Face Book Friends… H.O.! O.H… An Orgasm…OH!.. H.A.O… O.A.H. Hello. SILENCE IS MORE POWERFUL THAN SOUND. Yesterday, I did not make a plea for Face Book Friends and the Public to help me personally get out of the Country… Nor did I make a Demand or seek to manipulate any person into sending any contribution… I made a suggestion based on the Evidence that this Play of Evolution has been an a offering […]

11 Dec 2016

8:03 p.m.

8:03 p.m. 83…. 11-12- 2016… 36… 9… K..L. T.P…. K.L…C.F. K.L…I. G.H.T….. 9 7 8 20…. See end of Part One…. 8 0 2..82… Double 00…OO… K.O.LO….. I.. Individuality.. is Pi.. Individuals always surprise us because they never repeat themselves… they say the same thig in an Infinite variety of Ways… Kolo means O Kolo.. Prince Manly Warrior Round Symmetrical Being (not body) Torus Sreenivasa Rao Boppana… S.R.B…. 12-11-2016… L.K..T.P… L.K…C.F… LO.O.K….I…. Infinity…. 8:10 p.m. Face Book Equation Play Complete […]

06 Dec 2016

From Olisa Chukwuka…

From Olisa Chukwuka… I saw this text sent to me in my mail… I really do not have much interest in addressing the ‘Veiled meaning of why this post was sent to me, right after my response to Olisa’s comment on my page, and my response to his=her Expression that ‘My Work is Not Done… Despite 48 years, and 27 Years of Phenomenal Effort of being forced to sacrifice Everything, to live in Non Existence to bring forth Evidence and […]

21 Nov 2016

5:35 p.m.

5:35 p.m. E.C.E…. Phew…! 21-11-2016..36…9…I.. U-K…T.P…C..F..I… United Kingdom- Universal Kolo True Point. Fact…I..E 11-21-9….. 2 (1)-3-9…. B.A…C.I. K.U-I.. KUI means… Kui (Chinese: ?; pinyin: kuí; Wade–Giles: k’uei) is a polysemous figure in ancient Chinese mythology. Classic texts use this name for the legendary musician Kui who invented music and dancing; for the one-legged mountain demon or rain-god Kui variously said to resemble a Chinese dragon, a drum, or a monkey with a human face; and for the Kuiniu wild yak […]

16 Nov 2016

3:58 p.m.

3:58 p.m. C.E.H… Notice we have moved from 800 Face Book friends, where we stayed at for almost a week or so… And now we are at 798… Which is Sacred Portal Diamond Hearing Now observe the code of the Ten Dollar Bill changed to Q Q G(G.7) Q G.M. 69 98 8 77 4 U F.R.A.N…(35 Is C.E Paul Bed 3005) And M.C 69…98 8 773 A.F.U.R. 6:00 p.m.Edit Please see sacred portal 98… Diamond Hearing… Beautiful Joy on […]

08 Nov 2016

5:55 P.M.

5:55 P.M. E.E.E 11-8-9… A-AH..I… K.H.I…Kolo Harmony Infinity…. Round Circle… its an ORB!… A Signal in the Sky over the home of the Samurai Ninja line of Day And Night… (D.A.N…I..E.L..BROWN… Da Vinci… Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo… Da Enlightens…Da Invinci Codes.. Invisible Invicinable… 8-11-9…. 8-1-9… HA.I. H.A! I. Hai! 6:00 p.m. Ascended Master.. Please Be at Ease…. It is done… I would now like to address you who lurk in the Shadows Graceful Swift Spirits of the Dark Knight my beloved […]

06 Nov 2016