
Sixth Sense: Using Five Senses in One

15 Feb 2017

4:04 p.m.

4:04 p.m. 44… DD… Dean Dunkwu responded to a text I sent a few days ago… to say Hi.. He responded once more in perfect harmony and in Perfect Timing… Rob had sent 200:00… Only two others had done this… Dean… 200 x 4… 800 Patrick Okolo M.D. once 200… and total 510;00 USD 8…51… Its a code… the 2 Two’s… And Nenad M. Djurdjevic did a code of 50 50 100… But when that code came after weeks of […]

12 Feb 2017

Contd from the Commentary below this post…

Contd from the Commentary below this post… 7:23 p.m, G.W… Double U.. NnamdI Nenad M. Djurdjevic… G.Double V… G.D… V.ie..Vie… Dette Grant Venkat Venkatasen Self Born Vinod Vinod…. Joy Happiness… 2-12…2017… 37… 10.. 1 O 2-12-1…. B.L.A…. B.E.I.N.G… L.A!… 6th Note… of Sixth Sense… The True Essence and Mysterious Ether, Ethereal Substance moving through All Things and Existence as Dark Matter… 212…1… Area Code Manhattan… Recall the 212 Play…in Room 4B between Traishon and I. Emeka Traishon E.T. 1..Aware… 7:28 […]

03 Feb 2017

7:00 p.m.

7:00 p.m. G 3-2-2017…. 3-2-1….C.B.A. 2-3-1…. B.C.A… Consciousness is Being Aware… Being Conscious is Awareness… But what is Being Aware…? According to the Dictionary… 1. Having knowledge or discernment of something: was aware of the difference between the two versions; became aware that the music had stopped. a·ware’ness n. Synonyms: aware, cognizant, conscious, sensible, awake These adjectives mean having knowledge or discernment of something. Aware implies knowledge gained through one’s own perceptions or by means of outside information: became aware […]

01 Feb 2017


7:55… G.E.E…Z.E.U.S…! Enders Game – Armada… E.G.A… E.G.O… Hello… Before I begin I would like to Share this conversation I had with M.T.. The first we have ever really had… Emeka Kolo to Michael Trahe Tues 4:49 p.m. …..who is the same age as Donna O’Sullivan whom I met at 18 Mountain view…. DO.S…Operating System.. Which I had to pass through, just as you did but which led to our linking and you enacting a play which it would appear […]

27 Jan 2017

5:51 p.m.

5:51 p.m. E EA. 1-27-1… A-B.G-A A.A-A.A. B 4683195 D…. 40…. Hello… I am not sure how to begin this post… so I will just dive in and present the evidence…and facts let you judge for yourself… Just before I left to go the Immigrations office accompanied by my Case Manager… Traihson came over, and gave me 5 USD… He had made almost 20 usd before breakfast.. ! I was of course going to pay him back… I was receiving […]

18 Jan 2017

7:26 p.m.

7:26 p.m. I love my Family, I loved Humanity. I love the Beauty, B’Eau Ti.. And I love My Lady Line…. But there is no Greater Love I have for anyone than I have for myself… And it is because of My Self Love, that I have endured in the Realm of Spirits, Mind, Body and Being in all Dimension in this World what I have… Because of my Love for myself, and that is why I See so well […]

17 Jan 2017
17 Jan 2017

11:47 AM

11:47 am A very quick note.. I am seriously exhausted and over Impulsed and Stimulated by the this multi- dimensional play while at the same to posting. I should not be posting anymore, but I demands are still being made, and the portal of E GA LA XY 1O 11. C I… Is, just as this process is way too slow. I have explained and explained what is going on to the point of my own fatigue? And provided All […]

11 Jan 2017

I am so sick of people, telling me that what I claim to have done

I am so sick of people, telling me that what I claim to have done can’t be true. Most of these people are not even qualified to make such statements. They look at my state, my skin color, my education, my background.. Their Spirits Rise, move them to recognize me and even open up the doors of their Homes and Hearts to me.. But immediately I tell them what the Evidence, that I had been so eager to share with […]

04 Jan 2017

6:33 p.m.

6:33 p.m. 4-1-2017…. D.A. T.Q… Delta AT Quantum. 1-4-2017…. A-D…. 37….C.G… A-D.C.G..A 6:37 p.m. There seems to be an embargo on people being able to grasp or accept what I am saying is really going in physically.. PHYSICALLY.. in my body… It is aligning it self, transforming so incrementally it feels like growing pain x 1 million… It takes everything in me to write to speak to move and concentrate on it not entangling… I feel each muscle stretch then […]