
Sixth Sense: Using Five Senses in One

13 Sep 2018

6:57 p.m.

6:57 p.m. @ 1.57 p.m. I received a message from Roger Attaway. With the code from Roger… 54 14 474 260… 5- 4 14 474 260…. 5 41 44 74 26 O… *Recall the sequence of numbers which Kassim Hudson gave me last night… Father born 1926… 26… A-Z… ( Sali Adekunle)… He was met his Love and Twin self at age 15 letter O.. *Roger Attaway do you hear me…? R A W… 7:27 p.m.. right now. He was […]

12 Sep 2018


E G OT… T.O… S O N.. G E…. 10:39-40 a.m. 9-12-2018… Hello .. I wanted to honor the play which took place between Kasim and I but instead fond my self responding to an innocent question sent to me by Roger Attaway. Link Roger Dean @ ATT A WAY… A TT.. AW… AY..E. Link Michael Rogers M R… Jude Rogers J R…. * The portal was never R M… I, and the riddle made that very clear. Even the […]

26 Aug 2018
21 Aug 2018

From Axel Love… Axel Anderson.. Code A-A.. ( A-Z-AH)

From Axel Love… Axel Anderson.. Code A-A.. ( A-Z-AH) My sisters British name is Joy. Link the from the Face book pool of friends – Joy Jane.. J J…Makes one link Janet Jackson and her album Control which is the song I entered New York into 17 years ago. I link it to Sacred Portal 1A… Being A-.A. And Generation X Gardens and A.L… ( Albert Santana – Link Aturo Snow A.S who reminds me of Axel Love) But most […]

19 Aug 2018

From Nicola Robinson

From Nicola Robinson Janet Jackson Made For Now M F N… Yes it is a code… / N F M… Nature is F M… Band… Natures Expression… F M Male Female Naturalness.. Ah!! I am tired of these codes and this Script 8:04 p.m. 84. But this code from Nicola Robinson N R… I ( Yes my coffee today at the Arab Bodega was again number 9= I) Is an up grade- or evolution of the sound track which I […]

17 Aug 2018


Purity? Perfection…? Harmonies…? Infinite… ? The Eternal…? You cant go chasing these thing.. attributes. They come to you… The meaning of each word which came into existence from its Source, recognizes its source vibration and comes to it naturally.. and the sum total of this is becomes the Beings I.D. Stamped, indented in the Story of Eternity made manifest. Through a play unseen by others, which is what qualifies you- without you even being aware. One is thrown literally into […]

08 Aug 2018

From Tejumola Raheem Osazee

From Tejumola Raheem Osazee Yes, it is true… so true this statement.. Tejumola Raheem Osazee I commend your works with these sharings, I have been observing your shares, and based om my empircial experiening, most of your posts are knowledge applied proved literally true, not just ‘Mind Logically true. I do not live in this Reality, and never have, I have always been aware that I am undercover, and the mission of what Robert has called the Agents who come […]

07 Aug 2018

8:36 a.m.

8:36 a.m. 8-7-2018. H C F… H G T R… B O A.H… Hello….. The more I express, the more the Equation moves to its Fruition. You have heard me protest, incredulous that such a script can exist. This is the reality and actuality which was demanded by Laws of Cause and Effect and force which is the rep of the Sum Total. This is the surprise of that which should not have manifested but did- an anomaly that one […]

27 Jul 2018

11:11 a.m.

11:11 a.m. 11 65 Facebook Friends.. 11 11… 4- 1… I have no words, at the continual extra expression as linking and weaving in this Equation Completed over and over for 43 years, circle after circle- concentric to finally the Point. I can read it.. it is done. All this… well… Yes, I know what It is asking each time, I can read it all.. Here I am meant to insert the two Documents I recently discovered sent to me […]

25 Jul 2018

7:07 p.m.

7:07 p.m. 77 7-25-2018. G.G. G E T.. R…U E. G G is that not the third Author, in the 4 part share of Isabelle Ilic which I shared as the approach equation reflected of the appearance of the Epiphany Coudre Foudre Thunder and Lightening of the collective Ah!!!! Aw!!!! Its is,, I believe, the Third in the series of 4… J C N L G G J C Full Circle which then when it is completee it heralds a […]