
Sixth Sense: Using Five Senses in One

21 Dec 2018

Again from Jeff Sullivan

Again from Jeff Sullivan Chez Stephen Filgueira. The Ascension as Stephen instantly pointed out and recognized. A designated portal.. Tree Sage. Kim Arthur Hines. McKayla Rays Christopher Filgueira John MacDonald. Serenity Hines Sarah Kaizer Joseph Byron Stephen And myself made 9.. See the painting by Jeff Sullivan. – He has been painting the Story ..my story ..the Worlds Story of the Exodus, Stephen moved by Sixth Sense picks up the paintings and know exactly when to in perfect timing. And […]

20 Dec 2018
15 Dec 2018

From Christopher Filgueira

From Christopher Filgueira Father and Child… F A C… / C A.F…. Christopher Andrew Filgueria.. F.C… Father Daughter… Christ Line… Literally… C-Consciousness Speed of Light.. C. Trinity in one.. A B.. A 1 B 2… Merge.. Add Joseph…. Means Add.. Joseph Byron Joshua By Water… John The Baptist… Christ means ‘Follower of Christ… Christopher… Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme.. W A V E S … C speed of Light.. C -Waves… of Light.. ( Spectrum Rainbow Trail of a Star […]

07 Dec 2018

From Michael Love.

From Michael Love. I would like to confirm this 12-21 code it aligns to my own reading of the echo of the script I am reading and acting in. Yesterday, this literally played out through an person literally mentioning that code – Tree Sage. And with the post and play which took place here with Stephen Filgueira John and McKayla Rays. Closing the Gate. Though the code 12:21 linked to 2012 – 12-21 End of the Mayan Calendar is represented […]

01 Dec 2018

And this..

And this.. See the face of the boy? This is the Flyer Stephen Filgueira, gave me. 7:34 p.m ( One day some one will ask me the relevance and purpose of the time codes.. Though it has been explained). It’s the Kings Temple Tipper. K.T. Kasien Thompson K.T…Tipper Ripper .. T R. 2018 Terrible Death. Jack The Ripper Grim Reaper. G R Golden Ratio… Itself. Hurt Beyond Imagination. Alien Father. Alexander. Defender of Man Frank Line.. meaning Free Mans .. […]

01 Dec 2018

Sacred Portal 63…

Sacred Portal 63… Ophiuchis Aclespius… A O… Kings Temple .. Tipper… K T… K TT… ( 11 20/ 20 11.. Tom Truman.. TT..) Kasien Thompson.. 11-29-1963.. It links to Joseph Byron.. I saw that same blue appear on his own Hair and even told him as we were leaving the House 29.. Stephen Filgueira… J B.. Links to me… He is him but he is also me… J B 007… F C.. First Contact .. Atlantis E.T Landing… with the […]

26 Nov 2018

From Tree Sage

From Tree Sage The Golden Ratio… Enter the Dragon, align all the projections of who you really are as Ego-Spectrum Rainbow color, to painting a picture of your life in True Color.. a Beautiful True Story which aligns with music and art and which you have broken down into a SCIENCE.. and rebuilt reconstructed into the truth of who you are… After Smashing all the Mirrors, of what others defined you as as well as the false ones you created […]

24 Nov 2018

7:47 p.m

7:47 p.m Just outside my window with a view, I took this picture from the ground Landing Concrete. It shows Snow Flakes. S.F. Sensational Feelings Code Stephen Filgueira brought me here (6th Sense Supreme line of E Sixth Sense ) Landing of the Unique Individuals Pure Refinded The Being of Eternity. I know this Scene .. I am peering from my Room with a View as the Whole world and the streets of New York are crying laughing dancing.. In […]

24 Nov 2018

1176 Facebook Friends…

1176 Facebook Friends… to 11 83…Facebook Friends. 76 is Sacred Portal The 123 Cocksure Of the First Dawn Awakening 83 is Sacred Portal 83 ‘Chilled Going going home with the Full Circle and the Crossing… 7 6… Crowning Chakra Sixth Sense Vision linked to Reason… and finally 8 6… Harmony Fact. 83 H C.. Hartford Connecticut. Harmonies Consciousness is here,,, This is what the code reads.. The Awakening is confirmed and begins.. began here when I was moved to the […]

02 Oct 2018