
Pi—The Full Circle: Completion in All Things

17 Jan 2018

Sacred Portal 94 I.D.

Sacred Portal 94 I.D. Considering the current conversation going on in the World… This sacred portal which I Drew forth, without understanding fully what I was drawing, then disturbed by the images, I had to investigate them and their coming into being… That was 2010… T.J.. Bed 4-009. Now see what it reads… The Cruelty of His and Her pleasure at the leisurely attitude done to the I.D of Existence and the Expression of Praise.. I.D… I D..EA… Of Life… […]

16 Jan 2018


Hello… I really do not think, that I require to prove, provide evidence, Link and Weave into this Awareness and Existence-Created the E any longer… It has been such a great War to manifest into this quarantined zone called the this World. – The Battle has been ridiculous, finding the source of WAR (Yes, represented by Bed 4-007 Edwin Dominic.. The urge to Win by Dominating and go to whatever length and doing whatever it takes. How far will you […]

15 Jan 2018

8:31 p.m.

8:31 p.m. 1-15- 2018… H-C.AH… A- O- T.R…U.E…. 1025 Facebook .. Blair G Andrews is confirmed as I.Emeka sum total of the past… Anthony Bienke Bien K.E… See Igbo Anthony’ And with the play of Allen Murray as the Avatar used and his life put in such danger, because my rage was written here… That one can not challenge the source or waste that much time in investigating that which brings you only good fortune. Allen does not know my […]

15 Jan 2018

Please read the codes…

Please read the codes… January 13…2018… 1-13.. 20+18… 38…. 1 13 38… A.M… C.H… The Alarm went off at 8:10 am… 81O… H.A.O… It lasted 38 minutes.. 2018.. 38…. That was the Day Allen Murray did not come back.. and the day Hector in the bed next to him was replaced… Allen Hector… A.H.. H.A is the Mocking of my Challenge to bring the End… K.O..REA… 7:11 p.m. K.Grant of the Spirit realm took me seriously enough… The code of […]

15 Jan 2018

This is playing right now at Starbucks..

This is playing right now at Starbucks.. on Man In the Mirror… The Man in the Mirror in this case is the World. And the Reflection .. and responsibility of the entire Human Population, is President Donald Trump, President of the Free World. U.N. I would suggest, especially after the Play of Last Night and Delta Manor Shelter of the Spirit World coming from out from Undercover… ( From the sheer relentless force of my proving them into Existence in […]

14 Jan 2018

There is a man who had been in bed 4-003… Al..

There is a man who had been in bed 4-003… Al.. He was replaced by Duane S.. and now by Herman Hubbard.. He had been forced to sleep on the floor because he had lost his bed… Twice he came to me, to tell me his predicament, almost as if he was asking me if I could do something about it… I knew it was a Spirit play… Again and again he came to me… Albert is the name of […]

13 Jan 2018

..7:00 usd…

..7:00 usd… Yes, I owe the guy at the Arab Bodega 7 usd. Thus Minus 7… G… – God… This battle to rid the World of God.. Humans acting like they are God.. than no one can correct them, that they can do say enact anything they wish even if it brings the Misery Suffering Torment of an Entire species. Even if their expression leads to injustice inequality, rooting of the Supreme Y.. Trinity in One… S T O R […]

12 Jan 2018

9:09 p.m

9:09 p.m 99.. Sacred Portal 99. Victor.. again as Sacred portal 86. 680 usd… 11 22 68… 11 22 47.. David Cecilia… My Mother and my brother…. They tested the line of John Jason Lee.. J J L.. 32… 56 Elgin Avenue Maida Vale.. 18 Mountain View..M.V. Valdrino Meta… V.M/ M V. M V.. MO V E… Movement Exodus… M.V.. M 5.. M.E.. To ME.. To Me…. To Manifest Expression as I know how to do… But first you must […]

12 Jan 2018

6:53 p.m.

6:53 p.m. 7Hello… Joseph Carey J.C. Allen Murray.. Obumneme… my youngest brother. First letters of their names forms an code and informs. J.A…O. C. M.K. J.C… A.M… O.K. My Brother was born…. 5-20-1973. E.T…S.G.C…. Extra Terrestrial South Georgia Cee… Eternal Truth Supreme G-ode of Creation This alludes to South Caro J.A.O… J=10…1=A. 0 is O.. 10=1 O. I have solved this riddle, proven that the Zero 0 does not exist. and that 0 is really the Full Circle. I also […]

12 Jan 2018

Phantom Thread… P.T..

Phantom Thread… P.T.. There is a Phantom of the Opera… Yes I use Opera…. Reynolds Wood Cock… Daniel Day Lewis… D D.L. 44 12. Preseident Trump calls Haiti and other African Countries Shit Holes- A shit hole is a place to defeacte.. to dump.. a Toilet. Starbucks bathroom code 77 45 O. My Last Coffee 6 77…. See sacred portal 77.. Loki. Low Key.. Norwegian Richard whom Joseph Carey knew and met.. through me who spotted him at a cafe […]